Get The Balance Right...Part 2

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 A/N - Just a reminder this is complete fiction and real bands and performers are used to round out the story.  I have played loose and fast with the years songs and albums were released and also if it won any awards.

He decided he would call their friends once he arrived at the hospital and knew more information.  Brian parked his car in the lot across the street and dashed across the road to the entrance.  After checking in at the front desk, a nurse escorted him back to the observation room holding his fiance.  He found Roger sitting up in a bed wearing a gown and an IV bag in his arm.

"Rog!'  Brian said with worry in his voice as he walked up to the bed and reached for him.  Roger gave him a tired smile as he accepted his embrace.  "Are you okay?"  Brian asked with concern as he clutched at his beloved.

"I'm alright..."  Roger responded in a quiet voice.  Brian pulled away from him but grabbed his hand as he took a seat on the edge of the bed and kept his eyes focused on his fiance.  

"What happened?"  Brian questioned.  Roger gestured at a cup of water and Brian grabbed it and handed it to him.  Roger took a large sip and swallowed it down.  Still feeling parched and drained.  

"I was out running and started feeling dizzy and got some bad cramps..."  Roger explained.  "I remember feeling faint before I went down on my knees and blacked out..."   Brian listened and wore a look of dismay hearing this.  It was scary hearing this happened.

"The doctor told me you had heat exhaustion..."  Brian stated as he squeezed Roger's hand and kept his worried expression.  Roger nodded as he moved around in the bed to get comfortable.  

"Yeah..."  Roger said back.  Before he could say anything else the room door opened and a man in a white coat came inside.  

"Are you Brian?"  the doctor questioned.  Brian nodded and got up to shake his hand.  

"Yes...I'm Brian May..."  he confirmed.  

"I'm Doctor Essex...."  the doctor replied and glanced over at Roger.  "How are you feeling Roger?"  he asked as Brian got out of the doctor's way and he walked over to check the IV bag.

"I feel drained...but okay I guess..."  Roger said in a quiet voice as Dr. Essex lifted Roger's arm and did a pinch test.  

"You've not finished the fluids yet but you're doing better..."  Dr. Essex remarked as he laid his arm back down and examined Roger's eyes.   "I should get your blood results any minute..."  he stated.  Roger nodded as Brian leaned against the wall and observed.  

"Can I go home?"  Roger asked as he shifted on the bed and tried to sit up more.  Dr. Essex took the bed control and lifted top of the bed a bit so Roger could sit up better.

"Let's wait for the tests before I decide..."  Dr. Essex advised him.  The door opened and a nurse stepped in carrying a paper report.    "Here we go!"  the doctor declared as he took the report and began looking it over.  The nurse came over and began doing Roger's vitals.  

Brian felt anxious as he watched the doctor go over the results.  He hoped his fiance was fine and they could leave with a warning about being careful in the summer heat.  He was ready to advise the doctor he would make sure Roger did as ordered.  

"Well looks good overall except for one thing that I wanted to check for..."  Dr. Essex announced.  Roger and Brian both shared a look of concern.

"What is that?"  Brian asked before Roger could respond.  

"When you mentioned you had trouble taking off some weight and you also said you had some fatigue and your skin seemed overly dry I wanted to just run a test on your thyroid...."  the doctor explained.  "And your results show you do have an underactive thyroid..."  he advised.  

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