After The Fire....

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When Brian woke up he felt everything was right in the world.  Sure he had a bum ankle right now and he couldn't work.  But he had met someone special and was being afforded some real time to get to know him.  To fall absolutely in love with him and hope that maybe Roger might feel the same.  It seemed unbelievable.  This man had walked into his life and turned his world upside down.  He was interesting, intelligent, charismatic, funny and handsome.  And he was a musician. Brian couldn't recall meeting a women who possessed all these attributes.  A contented smile formed on Brian's lips as he opened his eyes but then felt the blank spot next to him in the bed.  His smile faded as he realized Roger wasn't next to him.

The bed seemed empty and Brian realized that he liked sharing a bed with this man.  He liked sharing his time with him.  He liked seeing his face and listening to him speak and smelling the light cologne he wore and touching his messy hair and kissing his soft little nose.  He couldn't believe he had fallen for a man.  This was one scenario he never imagined in all his times of yearning for a partner in his life.  A man.  But here he was.  Missing a man as he laid in bed.  Everything about being with Roger was him taking a chance on something new and different.  Being bold.  Brian decided that boldness had got him this far and he felt the urge to continue with it and tell Roger how he felt about him.  That he was pretty sure he was in love with him and to find out where Roger stood.    

Brian shuffled off the mattress and walked naked to the bathroom.  He could see a light on in the kitchen and quickly used the toilet and sink before he made his way back to the bedroom and pulled on his joggers over his boot.  He hobbled into the kitchen to find the back door opened.  Brian steeled himself to reveal his feelings to his boyfriend. He got to the doorway and found Roger sitting on a chair on the terrace.  He only wore a pair of pajama pants and had a drink in his hand as he sat in the low light.  Roger looked quite pensive.

"Penny for your thoughts..."  Brian announced to him and Roger looked up at his boyfriend and tried to find a semblance of a smile.  This was the moment he had been dreading for hours.  He had been sitting in the dark and struggling to figure out how to tell him about the fire.  For the moment he wanted to get Brian relaxed and settled.  Try and break it to him gently.  

"Hey!  Did you sleep well?"  Roger asked as he kept his smile.  Brian smiled in return and walked over and took a seat in the chair next to Roger's.  The blond man took another sip of his vodka and tried to gauge Brian's mood.  

"It was lovely...I'm quite rested...and there is something I want to tell you while it is on my mind..."  Brian told him.  Roger sensed it was something important.  But his news was more pressing.  He had to just tell him outright and get it over with.  Freddie and Deacy would be here soon and he needed this done so Brian had some time to process it before he told him more news.  News about their friends being involved with each other.  Roger swallowed the rest of his drink and set the glass down on the ground.  He turned and placed his hand on Brian's arm.

"Before I hear what you want to say...there is something really important I need to tell you..."  Roger said to him and reached over and took both his hands in his own.  Brian wondered if Roger was getting ready to say the same thing he planned to say.  His heart was already racing due to his own impending statement but now it pounded at seeing how serious Roger looked and that he took hold of both his hands.  Oh my god!  Roger is going to tell me he loves me!  Or at least that he has feelings for me!  Brian suddenly felt like a teenage girl whose dream crush was asking her to prom or something similar.  This was a moment he had wished for all his life.  He nodded and tried to control his excitement.

" go first..."  Brian told him in a measured voice.  He kept his eyes focused on Roger's face and wanted to remember this moment for the rest of his life.

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