Thorn In My Side...

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Brian sat next to Roger in the limo as they rode back from the video shoot.  He had sat back and watched the ongoing banter between Roger and Jenn since the filming ended.  They had laughed and talked about the motorcycle ride and the funny bits of shooting a video as they both had their makeup removed.  While they had gone to separate areas to change clothes, they resumed their conversation as they walked with the rest of the band to the limo to leave.  Jenn was the one who contributed the most to the dialogue.

'Beware of a determined woman Brian!' Bobbi has warned. 'They're a dangerous breed!'

Brian had wanted to dismiss those words as soon as they were said but he found Jenn's persistent domination of Roger's attention as they rode in the limo troubling.  Maybe Bobbi had a point.  Jenn seemed to keep Roger engrossed in her and he had barely spoken a word to Brian or the others since they finished.

"I'm thinking we should have a celebratory dinner!"  Spike suggested as he managed to interrupt Jenn's continued discussion of the shoot.  "Who's in?"  he asked.  

"I'm ready for a shower and an early night to be completely honest..."  Roger responded.  He leaned into Brian's shoulder as he spoke.  This action was reassuring to Brian and he noted a slight frown on Jenn's face at the sight of it.

"Oh come on Roger!"  Jenn argued.  "We're in L.A.!"  she reminded him.  "It's only 8 o'clock and we could go to a club after we get a meal..." she told him.  Bobbi and Andy avoided looking at Jenn.  Not interested in putting any pressure on their tired boss.

"We do have some publicity work early tomorrow..."  Brian countered.  "I'm sure we all want to look our best for the photoshoot..."  he pointed out.  Using that as a basis for turning down the offer of a night out of partying.  Roger nodded agreement.

"We can go out tomorrow night...I promise..."  Roger told his group.  "Let's just relax tonight and gear up for the rest of our visit..."  he suggested.  

"Sounds good..." Spike replied.  "I can get us a reservation somewhere for tomorrow..." he offered as compromise.  

"That would be lovely...thanks Spike..."  Roger responded.  "You guys can pick the place!"  he said to the group as their limo pulled up to the hotel.  

"Well everyone...we will meet in the lobby at 9:30 so we can head out..."  Spike announced as the doorman opened the limo door for them.  

"Anyone up for breakfast beforehand?"  Jenn asked.  Everyone looked at each other to gauge a response.

"Sure..."  Andy said to be polite.  "Call me about 8..."  he requested.  Bobbi nodded agreement.

"Yeah...give me a call..."  she chimed in.  Jenn smiled at her band mates and then looked over at Roger and Brian.

"Can we count you in?"  she asked Roger and glanced at Brian.

"I've got a morning I'll skip it...thanks though..."  Roger replied as they all began to get out of the car.  Brian said nothing as they walked inside and headed for the lifts.  They all got in the large elevator together and Brian noticed Jenn purposely standing next to Roger in the tight space.  Brushing up close to him.

"Enjoy your run..."  Jenn told Roger as they rode to their floor.  Roger nodded to her.

"Thanks..."  he told her quietly.  Feeling tired from the long day.  They shared a smile as the lift stopped on the floor with the rooms for the band.  Spike, Andi, Bobbi and Jenn got out.   "Goodnight everyone..."  Roger told them as they disappeared from view and the door to the lift closed.  Brian instantly laced his hand into Roger's and the blond turned and smiled at him.  Leaning against him for support.  

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