My Bed's Too Big Without You...

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Roger stood speechless as Brian packed a small suitcase in their bedroom.  Despite being angry Brian managed to adeptly pack his work clothes in such a manner as to reduce wrinkling.  He was zipping the case when Roger finally found some words to say.

"Do you think a suitcase is really necessary?"  Roger questioned as Brian finished securing it and picked it up from the bed.  

"I can't talk to you right now..."  Brian said as he went to leave the room.  Roger wanted to block his way and make him stay and talk but it was evident Brian was too upset right now to reason with him.  

"Okay...I get it..."  Roger responded.  "I know I handled this badly and I know you're really upset with me right now...but please Brian...when you've talked to your Mother and you've calmed down a bit...please...can we talk then?"  Roger asked him in an almost pleading manner.

"I'll call you..."  Brian said in a quiet voice as he walked out of the room.  Roger wanted to yell at him and tell him this wasn't his fault but he knew it wouldn't get him anywhere.  He took a few steps towards the door to follow Brian and wondered if he should at least walk him out.  Before he could decide Brian re-appeared in the doorway.  For a moment Roger wondered if he changed his mind.  "Can you do me a favor?"  Brian asked him.  Roger felt a rush of hope.

"Anything..."  Roger replied.  

"Can you remember to feed Jesus...and he needs fresh water and litter as well..."  Brian told him.  Roger swallowed his hope and nodded.

"Of course..."  Roger said.  Brian gave him a semblance of a smile.

"Thanks..."  he said and turned and left.  This time Roger was certain he shouldn't follow him.  He needed to give Brian space to deal with his feelings and deal with his mother.  He stood in the doorway of the bedroom and heard Brian's feet on the stairs and then the sound of the back door opening and closing.  Then there was the sound of Brian's car as it started and took off.

Roger slid down the wall in the doorway and sighed heavily.  He ran his hands over his face and tried to figure out what his next step was.  He then realized a lot of that depended on what Brian's next step was.  

"I wish I still smoked..."  Roger said out loud as he decided to get up and make sure the cat was seen to and he really wanted a drink.  He pushed himself off the floor and headed for the kitchen.

"At least I didn't give up alcohol..."


Brian sat with his mother at the kitchen table.  He had not bothered to call before coming and she was surprised to find him at her door.   She was preparing dinner and there was enough for him so he joined her for the evening meal at the small dining set in the kitchen.  He had made small talk as she finished cooking and he set the table and poured them some wine from a bottle she had never bothered to open last Christmas.  Brian needed the drink.

Despite pretending he was hungry, Brian picked at his food and mostly listened to her chat about the health problems of their closest neighbor.  He was trying to find the right moment to tell her the news.  It was proving to be a daunting task.

"Helen told me her daughter-in-law stayed with her after her surgery and made sure she was looked's a shame that son of hers couldn't manage to even see her in hospital..."  his mother commented as she took the last bite of her chicken casserole.  She smiled at her son when she finished.   "I'm glad to know you'd be there for me if something happened and I needed surgery..."  Brian set his fork down and wiped his mouth after forcing himself to eat another bite. 

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