Everything Counts...

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"Who knew it would turn into all this?"  Roger remarked as he peaked out the front window of the church and saw a small group of protestors marching in front of the studio.  It was just five people but they were trying to make a noise.  Holding up signs that said things like 'Say No Way to Being Married and Gay.'  Dave shrugged as he watched out the other window next to him.

"It's just a few uptight Christians with their pants in a wad over the bill..."  Dave replied.  "Not even news worthy really..."  he said as he stopped looking and leaned against the wall.  "No one has canceled their studio time and the neighbors haven't complained..."  he reminded Roger.  "Let's just finish up and you can go upstairs and relax..."  

"You're right..."  Roger responded and moved away from the window.  "Let's run through the mixes again..."  he said to show he was ready to focus on work.  The men adjourned to the control room and took their seats at the mixing board.  Dave played back the mixes they had worked out for a single and extended dance mix of 'London Town' and Roger made a few final changes.  They wrapped up for the day and Dave prepared the tape to be picked up by a courier as Roger locked everything up.  They parted ways at the back door and Dave exited for his car and Roger went upstairs.

"I've got those prints ready and I can have them delivered day after tomorrow if that works for you..."  Brian said on the phone as Roger appeared in the kitchen doorway.  He waved at him as he listened to his caller.  "Alright...I'll get delivery arranged then...thanks..."  Brian told the caller and hung up.   Roger was intrigued by what the call was about.

"Did you sell some more prints?"  Roger asked as he went to make himself a cup of tea.  Brian finished his notes and nodded.

"I did..."  Brian replied.  "It's amazing how in demand I've become since we did that interview..." he remarked.   Roger was glad to hear his photography was blossoming.

"It didn't hurt that the family portrait you took of The Mercury's was bought by every major newspaper to publish with their article about them..."  Roger reminded him.  Brian felt proud as he remembered seeing the now famous picture on the front page of several papers and magazines.  Freddie and Deacy seated with Asha propped up between them and all wearing matching outfits.  They could not get Asha to stop crying so Freddie and Deacy did a mock cry face of their own in jest and Brian captured the shot.  It was a wonderful depiction of the humor these men shared and it held a charm that wooed the nation.  

"Who'd had ever thought people would love seeing so much crying..."  Brian said with amusement as Roger walked over and leaned against his chair.  "The caller was actually from a gallery and he wanted some sample prints to look at....he said he was considering making me an offer to sell my work through him..." Brian boasted.  

"Bravo Brian!"  Roger was thrilled and bent down and they shared a kiss.  "Maybe I'll just retire and you can support me with your pictures..."  Roger suggested.  Brian rolled his eyes as he closed his notebook.

"This could be a flash in the pan..."  Brian pointed out as he stood up and stretched.  Roger admired his long lean torso and how his shirt rode up at the hips.  "I might be a 'has been' by months end..."  he commented.  Roger knew that was true for musicians as much as anyone in the arts.

"You and me both..."  Roger replied.  Brian opened the refrigerator to pull out some things to make dinner.  

"So how many protesters were out front today?"  he questioned as he closed the door.  Roger smirked at him.

"Five....and they had a new slogan..."  he replied.  Brian looked intrigued.  

"Oh yeah?"  he said back.  "What was it this time?"  he asked.  

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