Sweet Child O' Mine...

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Brian looked over the list of people invited to Roger's album release party and smiled when he came across Clare and Emma.  He was excited for them to come and hoped they enjoyed the event that was planned.  Normally these types of gatherings were adult oriented but Roger had tired of that scene and wanted to do something unique.  The printed invitations had been mailed out the day before and Brian glanced at the calendar and grew excited for the party.  Not only was he looking forward to celebrating Roger's accomplishment, he also missed Deacy and Freddie and knew they would be back from their adventure in time to attend.

"I'll be downstairs working on some mixing..."  Roger suddenly announced as he leaned into the kitchen doorway.  Brian looked up at him and smiled.

"Alright..."  Brian said.  "I'm developing some film in a minute so I'll be in the darkroom..."  Brian advised.  Roger nodded and disappeared and then popped his head back around. 

"I almost forgot!"  Roger said as he walked in and placed a postcard in front of Brian.  "Post arrived..."  he announced as Brian picked up the card with a map of Australia on it and turned it over to read the remarks.

Dear Brian and Roger -  A final card from here as we prepare to leave for India.  We had a blast Down Under and boy do we have some tales to tell!  Miss you both and cannot wait to show you what we bought and all our pictures.  See you soon!   Love F&D.

Roger stood over Brian's shoulder as he read it and Brian looked up at him when he finished.    "I can just imagine the stories they have from this trip..."  Brian commented as Roger planted a kiss on his head.  

"I feel an evening filled with a slide show and a lot of alcohol is in our future..." Roger replied as he headed back out.  Brian grinned at the notion and got up and attached the postcard to the refrigerator.


Deacy felt self conscious as he stood in line at the customs section.  It was warm in the airport and felt hotter than Australia had been.  His armpits felt damp and he couldn't wait to get to the hotel so he could change clothes.  The customs agent gestured for him to come to the desk. He handed the man his passport and smiled nervously.  Deacy watched the man eye him and look down at his passport photo.  For some reason he always felt like something bad was going to happen when he traveled to new places.  He turned and looked at Freddie as his husband smiled back.  Offering reassurance.  

"Relax sweetie!"  Freddie told him.  "We're about finished and we'll go have a nice cool bath..."  he suggested.  Deacy nodded as he returned his attention to the agent.

"Mr. Deacon...are you here on business or pleasure?"  the agent asked him.  Deacy swallowed before he answered.  

"Pleasure sir..."  he said politely.  The agent drew a wide smile as he stamped his passport and handed it back.

"Wonderful!  Welcome to India!"  he said in a friendly voice.  Deacy giggled at his welcome and nodded to him.

"Thank you!"  Deacy replied and took his passport and slid it in his jacket pocket as he stepped forward.  He stood and watched as his husband adeptly handled the customs agent and then realized the man had recognized him.  They spoke for a minute before Freddie pocketed his passport and looked delighted as he joined Deacy at his side.

"He recognized me!"  Freddie boasted as they began walking out of the area.  A porter with their luggage was following them.   "He asked me if I was here to perform..."  Freddie commented.  "I'd never considered doing any shows here...but it's a thought..."  he remarked as they headed for their transportation.

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