Driven By You...

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Brian felt lonely.  Despite being surrounded by musicians and an assistant, producers and reporters and television presenters; he felt lonely.  He stepped out of the car and walked into the production office with Julie by his side.  She guided him to the office of the music video team.  They were escorted to a meeting room to go over the plan for the shoot.  It was another set of strangers to meet and another new experience to endure.

"What we see is something simple like you being in a concert setting..."  Isaac explained as he stood at a storyboard pinned to the wall.  "We want to shoot you performing the song in a medium sized venue and you just need to be on stage with some other musicians and you will mime the song..."  

"I've never performed in a concert venue before..."  Brian advised them.  "I'm not sure what to do...if I can do it..."  he exclaimed with a worried expression on his face.  Julie leaned close to him and pressed her hand into his arm.

"You can do it Brian...don't worry about it..." she said to encourage him.  

"But I don't know about playing in front of so many people..."  Brian continued to express his doubt.  His sense of stage fright building already at the prospect of it.  Isaac gave him a reassuring smile.

" won't actually be playing in front of a full crowd...we are just recording you performing on the stage and we edit in the footage of the audience..."  he explained and gestured flamboyantly with his hand.  "People do it all the time in music videos..."   he explained.  Brian instantly felt some relief hearing this.  A smile actually graced his face.

"Oh!"  he said.  "I didn't know you did that..." Brian confessed.  Isaac and his production partner Derek shared a knowing look between them.  They knew they were dealing with a true rookie.  

"It's all illusion my dear...when it is all said and done it will look like you rocked the house with a crowd of thousands when you really only mimed your song to people in the first few rows..."  Derek explained.  Brian didn't want to look weak at the thought of even playing just a few rows so he nodded to the director.

"Okay..."  Brian agreed and bit his lip with worry as he picked up his copy of the plan as the meeting continued.


"We're ready for you..."  Jessie, his assistant, announced as she stood in the doorway of the dressing room.  Deacy stood up from his makeup chair and fluffed his hair one more time.  Both he and Jessie looked over his red parachute material jumpsuit and black converse hi-tops to make sure he looked perfect.  They both then walked to the door.

"Let's do this!"  Deacy said confidently and followed Jessie out to the studio where his first show was being taped.  The set was was decorated like a dance club and there were several hired dancers waiting for him to appear.  They were already positioned on the dance floor.  Deacy waved to the dancers and walked to his position beside a counter with turntables on it.  The sound man came over and got his microphone pack attached under his jacket and tested the audio.  He announced they were good and everyone got in their positions as Gary, the director, counted down their start.  The filming commenced.

"Hey everybody....I'm Deacy...and let's dance!"  Deacy announced as his deejay, a young lady  named Vinyl, began playing 'Let's Dance,' by David Bowie.  The small contingent of dancers began moving on the small floor and Deacy also started dancing from his platform above the dance floor.   The main camera panned the dancers and then zoomed in on Deacy; who was cued by the director to begin.

"Welcome to my first show where I will be playing my favorite dance music and my dancers will be showing off the latest moves..."  Deacy stated.  "Not only will we visit some classics from the past, I will also be debuting some new dance tunes in the coming weeks..."  Deacy kept dancing as he spoke.  "So join me at this time every week to hear the best of dance music and some of my favorite tracks by artists I have come to know as friends..."  he declared.  Deacy took a spin as the camera panned back out to show his dancers and him in the background.

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