I Want To Know What Love Is...

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It was a lot of change at one time and Brian was trying his best to accept it all.  He sat in the exam room at the doctors and considered how much had actually changed in the past few months.  First, there was his career.  He was an independent businessman.  Owner of his own record store.  Doing something he really liked and making a living at it.  and it was apparently over.  He knew without a massive insurance check his days as a shopkeeper had come to an end.

Then there was his living arrangement.  Brian loved his cozy flat.  He found his small quarters comforting and full of possessions that expressed who he is as a person.  His favorite warm colors and soft textures.  His imprint in every little detail.  Well - that had changed too.  Just yesterday a large moving truck had shown up to dispatch with his material items and deliver them to his new address.  A place quite in contrast to his prior abode.  This was a massive open spaced dwelling with a colder feel.  Lots of emptiness in between pockets of monochromatic colors and cool toned textures.   Steel and glass.  Not a fuzzy blanket to be found.

The only real warmth in his new residence was its owner.  Roger was flesh and blood and was the reason so much had changed in his world.  And it was mostly good.  But it was still a bit scary.  While Brian was an open minded person who accepted others for who they are, he never considered finding himself leading a life that would be viewed as alternative or controversial.  Be in a relationship with someone society may not deem acceptable.  He never fathomed that he was actually bisexual.  Yet- here he was moving in with another man and sharing a bed and possibly a real future with him.  And he actually smiled at how unlikely that would have seemed a few months ago and how wonderful it kind of felt in this moment.

The exam room door opened and Dr. Patel walked in wearing a smile.  "Good morning Brian...how are you doing today?"  she asked him as they exchanged a handshake. 

"I'm doing alright...my ankle is definitely better..."  he commented back.  

"Wonderful...let's take a look and see how much has healed..."  Dr. Patel responded.  "Have a seat on the table please..."  she requested.  Brian got up and sat on the table and lifted his leg up.  Dr. Patel removed his boot and proceeded to give him a thorough exam.  The pain had diminished dramatically and the area mostly felt a little tender and sore.  The doctor looked pleased as she finished up.   "No real swelling remains and the color is good...you are healing up beautifully..."  she remarked.  "We can get rid of your boot and begin wrapping your ankle instead..."   she advised.  The doctor pulled a spandex and velcro sleeve from one of the drawers and wrapped Brian's ankle as he watched.  She went over some instructions about the using and caring for the sleeve.

"Wear this for two weeks and you should be in good shape..."  Dr. Patel announced.  "You don't need to see me again unless you have any problems..."  Brian was thrilled to know he was almost healed.  He thanked her for her help and walked out of the exam room with one shoe and one wrapped foot.  It hadn't occurred to him to bring an extra shoe.  Deacy stood up and grinned at his one shoed friend.

"I guess we should have brought a shoe!"  Deacy remarked as Brian ambled his way.  His gait was off as he was use to wearing the heavy boot and the lightweight sensation of his leg seemed odd as he moved.

"I am so glad to be rid of that boot...I don't care..."  Brian told him as they exited the clinic and went out to Deacy's car.  He explained everything the doctor has said during his exam.  

"So just a bandage for two weeks...that will be a nice change..."  Deacy commented as they left the parking garage.  

"Yes...just one more change in my completely changed life..."  Brian said with amusement.  Deacy quickly glanced at his friend.

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