Lucky Star...

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"I can explain..."  Brian began as Roger remained glaring at him with arms crossed and a sour look on his face. 

"By all means!  Please do!"  Roger interjected sharply.  Brian could feel his anger and knew he should have told him about the contest.  

"Here's what happened..."  Brian began.  "Deacy and I were watching MTV one day and they mentioned that song writing contest...remember that we saw something about it once when we were watching?"  Brian reminded him.  Roger did vaguely remember it and nodded agreement.

"Yes...go on..."  Roger replied.  

"Well...Deacy said that I should write something for the contest...he said I was a good songwriter and should give it a shot!"  he remarked.  "I told him I would think about it just to get him to stop going on about it...and then I didn't think much of it until one day you said something that sparked an idea..."  Brian said and Roger's eyebrows rose up.

"What did I say?"  Roger questioned and Brian smiled at the memory of his epiphany. 

"You said something along the ones of me driving you places and used the phrase 'driven by you...' "  Brian explained and held up his fingers to create quotation marks as he spoke.  Roger had no recollection of this and remained curious about the whole songwriting matter.  His anger at not being told about this still lingered.

"So you're telling me that I said those words and you fashioned a whole song from it?"  Roger questioned; uncertain of Brian's statement since his knowledge of Brian's songwriting skills didn't make this seam feasible.

"At first I just had some phrases but then I was able to flesh something out of it...after a day or so I had most of the lyrics and some ideas for the melody..."  Brian began to tell him and then sighed and ran his hand through his mass of curls.  "Actually...if you want...I guess I can play it for you..."  Brian suggested.  "It will make more sense then..."

"I do want to hear it...but first I want to know why you didn't tell me you entered this contest..."  Roger said abruptly.  Brian could see his anger wasn't going to dissipate.  He needed to come clean about the reason.  

"I'll tell you but you can't get mad at me for it..."  Brian warned him.  " can't get anymore upset than you already are...I guess..."  Brian clarified.  

"Just tell me..."  Roger said with growing irritation.  Brian sighed again.

"I didn't say anything because I didn't want you having any distractions from your work right've been so distressed about your album and the single and I just didn't want you having anything else on your plate..."  Brian confessed.  "And to be honest I didn't think for a minute that I'd win so I saw no point in mentioning it..."  he added.  "If I didn't win then it was something you never had to worry about..."  he said and then smiled at the reminder that he had actually won the contest. 

"But you did win!"  Roger barked at him and Brian's face grew solemn again as he was yelled at.  "And I was caught off guard by Jim's phone call..."  Roger remarked.  "And you should have told me...despite my own problems with work you shouldn't not tell me things Brian...."  Roger ranted and began to run out of steam.  "I'm still upset you kept it from me...."  he finally stopped and looked at Brian's remorseful face.   "And you'll just have to live with that!"  he added for good measure.  

"I am sorry Rog..."  Brian said sincerely when Roger finished.  "I won't do that again...I promise...I just thought it was a good idea and now I can see that it wasn't..."  Brian remarked and looked at him earnestly.  Roger believed he was sincere and took hold of Brian's hand.  

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