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Dan and Phil had been silent for a hours now, both to terrified to speak too loudly afraid of what might happen if they did. Afraid of who might come, and what type of tourture might be used next.

The room they were in was bare. Plain concrete walls, and even plainer concrete floors, which were very uncomfortable to lay in. A few lightbulbs swung back and fourth on the celling, casting shadows through out the cold room, triggering Dans fear of the dark.

Phil had his long legs stretched out in front of him, feet moving back in fourth in a calming rhythm. Dan had his head resting against Phil's chest, listening to his heart beat steadily.

Bump. Bump. Bump.

One of Dans trembling hands was aimlessly drawing shapes on Phil's shirt, the other awkwardly going numb under neath his body weight. But it was worth it to be so close to Phil, snuggled into his side, even if it was platonic. At least it was platonic to Phil.

Phil was playing the curls on top of Dans head, lulling him into a daze somewhere between the world of dreams and the scary reality he was living.

"Remember that time we read Darcy Harry Potter?" Phil asked softly, looking down at his friend who nodded.

"She kept trying to take the book from you and read it upside down." Dan teased, playfully smacking Phil's tummy, not hard enough to hurt to burns under neath.

"Yea." Phil agreed, laughing. But his laugh lacked his usual spark of adorableness. In stead it was sad, and hopeless. "She's too young for all that death anyways..."

Dan nodded, closing his chocolatey eyes. Way to young.

"Now you've reminded me of Dumbledore." Dan muttered tiredly, somewhat fake pain in his voice. "The feels."

That made Phil chuckle again, as he ran his fingers through the curls on Dans head, sending shivers down his back. He sighed, looking up at Phil, yawning. "Tell me a story."

"A story?" Phil raised an eye brow, even in the dark room his bright blue eyes bright.

"Yes a story."

"Oh um..." The older mumbled, trying to come up with an idea. Anything to calm Dan down after everything that had happened earlier.

"There was a boy." Phil started. "With brown hair and brow eyes, and one of the brightest smiles in the world."

Dan blushed, and Phil poked him in the side, causing him to giggle a little. The brown haired male laughed as well. How could when not when the amazingphil was laughing?!

"There's that smile." The black haired male said, going back to running his hands through Dan's curls.

"He met an older boy with black hair and blue eyes. Both of them became the best of friends, always with each other, and became very close. They played video games, and listened to music together. They made sure they always ate breakfast together, and watched anime at the same time. They spent Christmas, and Halloween, and everything in between together. They were inseparable.

"Until one day, the black haired boy had to leave the younger one. He didn't want to, but he also had no choice. The brown haired boy felt lost, and scared without his other half. He was lonely. Ph- I mean the older one was equally as sad. They missed each other very much."

Phil was blushing lightly, his cheeks stained red. It was adorable. He was looking at Dan nervously, making sure his story was okay.

"Keep going." Dan insisted, his brown eyes dropping with exhaustion. "I love it so far."

Phil smiled a little. "After many years apart, the older one decided enough was enough. He missed his best friend and was going to find him. He searched high and low, all over the world for Dan. It took a long time, before he managed to find him.

"His friend had a wife now, and children. A young boy and a baby girl, that looked just like the younger boys wife. Phil smiled through the window-"

"Stocker." Dan giggled, his eyes now firmly closed, breathing becoming even as he snuggled into Phil.

"Oh shut up." Phil shook his head, smiling. "Then, the older one nervously he rang the door bell. The brown haired make opened the door, a smile on his face and a kid cradled in his arms. But the smile dropped as if face widened in shock at who was at the door. Dan couldn't believe he was back. His best friend was back. They spent the rest of the night talking, playing video games, and watching anime, just like before, but Phil couldn't help but feel sad."

Dan gave off a small yawn, nuzzling into Phils warm chest.

"Even though Dan was happily married, he wanted him for himself. He wanted to be with Dan forever, snuggling and listening to music. Dan was his. Until he wasn't."

Phil wiped at his eyes, smiling sadly at the sleeping Dan, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead. Of course he had to fall asleep Phil thought bitterly. Of course. Phil didn't know how else to admit his feelings to his best friend now....

"I love you."

Yaaay cute chapter! Anyways guys I went to a comicon and IT WAS AMAZING.

I met some Homestucker, and a few people were cosplay Sherlock asdfghjkkl I can't even express how great it was. I made a freind who likes Harry Potter and Gravity falls and cosplayed and ate food.

And before that the blind folded make up challenge came out :3

Anyways that's all.

Stay amazing.

*bops your nose*

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