The wardrobe

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A/N sorry short chapter.

This time when Dan woke up his head was rested comfortably in someone's lap, his wavy being played with. Slowly he opened his eyes, blinking and looking up at who ever was making him feel better.

Phil was staring down at him, his blue eyes full of sadness, but he was smiling none the less. Phil seemed to always smile, no matter what.

"Hey." He muttered, moving his hands away to wipe his eyes, while Dan tried to understand what was happening, and how he was back with Phil.

His head was pounding painfully, and the smell of metallic blood covered the room making him want to gag.

"H-hi..." He muttered, looking up at Phil, trying to remember what had happened last night, and how he had got here. Think Dan think.

The urge to sit up and hug phil, whilst crying into his shoulder was so strong in nearly blocked everything from his memory.

He remembered having a panic attack, waking up to get some tea, then the rest was a blurry haze of pain.

"Phil?" Dan whispered, starting to freak out. "W-what's going on?" His breathing sped up, along with his heart beat, and the room tilted ever so slightly, making him grab on to Phil's forearms in terror.

"Shhh, it's okay Dan. You're okay." Phil replied calmly. He looked even more pale then normal, with huge bags under his eyes, along with a few cuts dotted around his face. Despite all that phil was still smiling down at Dan, making sure he was okay. That was just like Phil, always taking care of his Dan.

"They knocked you out... Hit your head hard." The older male gently helped his friend sit up, letting him lean against the hard cool wall. "And now you're here."

Dan closed his eyes, letting out a loud sigh. At least he knew phil was alive right? In fact he looked better then Dan expected, not yet skin and bones.

"Phil..." Dan said, slowly looking up at his best friend who started to rub his back gently. A thousand words sat on the tip of Dans tongue ranging from how are you? to I love you. to a number of Choice words all of the four letter variety.


"H-how's your stomach?" Dan stuttered, remembering the horribly burned and red skin from the video posted on YouTube. Great going Dan,out of everything you could have asked you asked about his stomach. Way to trigger a panic attack. But phil didn't look upset or hurt. Instead he smiled.

God that smile is adorable. Dan thought.

"I'm fine Dan. Someone... I dunno who helped heal me. Right now it's wrapped up, not completely better but healing." Dan let out a loud sigh tears gathering in his brown eyes which he quickly wiped away.

"Oh thank god." He muttered, pulling phil into hug. Dan pressed his face into Phil's chest, breathing him in. Despite being dirty and sickly, phil still faintly smelt like the strawberry shampoo he used. Still phil.

It was a nice, homey smell, that helped calm Dan, making him warm and fuzzy inside. Sure they might both be dead in a few days, but at least now they were together, and could feel safe in one another's arms.

He remembered another day, in another place when Dan and Phil had been building a wardrobe. After many failed attempts they successfully put to together the pice of wardrobe, beaming at one another in pride.

"I'm gonna run to the luu." Dan said, standing up, walking around the boxes littered around their new flat, and to the bathroom.

He still couldn't believe he was going to be living with the amazingphil. The Phil Lester. His celebrity crush.

Dan felt like Ginny from Harry potter.

Quickly he finished his business, running his hands under luke warm water, and cleaning then with lavender soap. Now that his hands smelt heavily Dan went back into the living room.

Phil wasn't there and he figured he had gone to get himself a glass of water, so Dan busied himself with picking up scraps of wood on the floor, anxious to put the new furniture in it's place. There was some rustling behind Dan and he assumed phil was back.

"Alright phil..." He started to say, stand up and facing the wardrobe, but the older male wasn't there.

"Phil?" He asked calmly, stepping away to look around for his friend. After a few seconds he still hasn't answered.

"Phil?!" Dan repeated, circling the wardrobe, turning his head from side to side in slight panic. Where was he?! It wasn't like he could have gone far...

"Phil?! Phil?!" Dan kept screaming, growing more and more nervous. No water was running in the kitchen and the bathroom light was off, along with the bedroom phil was sleeping in, so he couldn't be in either of those rooms. Other then Dan the house was silent.

"Phil!!" Dan yelped, about to grab his shoes and look outside for the lost male, when the wardrobe door creaked open. Dan jumped, and Phil let out a tiny rawr laughing at his scared friend, who was still looking concerned.

"As if you got in the wardrobe?!" Dan asked, playing off his almost panic attack.

Remembering that day made him realize he didn't want to ever be without phil again, and would do whatever it took so save him.

Hey guys, not really anything interesting to say other then it would be hella cool if you checked out my Youtube radioactivehelena and maybe gave me some feed back on this story?

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