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Phil looked from the keys in his hands to the boy with bright red hair standing across from him. The sun was slow long going down and the pinkish colors in the sky helped to make his crazy hair color even more predominant. Red against red. David against the world.

"I-I..." The older male started to say, wind blowing his dirty fringe into his face and messing up his hair more. The cold bite right through the dirty tee-shirt he had on, that smelled strongly of sweat and blood. And something distinctly Dan. Something... warm.

"Don't thank me." David muttered, kicking the gravel at his feet, looking some what shy. "You should hate me. I-it would make me feel better if you hated me..."

Phil shook his head, wrapping his fingers around the keys in his hand. It dug painfully into his numb fingers and kept him grounded to the moment. "Are you the one who sang to me?" Phil's voice was almost drowned by the heavy wind that was now blowing.

David nodded, his brown eyes trained on the floor.

"Then you must be the one who brought me soup?" Phil continued, yearning another shake of the head from the young boy. "And bandaged my wounds."

The boy confirmed what Phil had said, lifting his head to make eye contact with the older male, who put a hand on David's shoulder much like a father would.

The small boy flinched away, but only for a second. Phil frowned, and chewed his lip nervously. He was feeling guilty about beating him up earlier and the flinching made it worse.

"Then I do need to thank you, David." Phil smiled blandly, the normal sparkle in his eyes gone and his tongue fully in his mouth, so it wasn't real a smile.

The younger boy raised his eyebrows in a silent question, but Phil understood.

Why would you thank me?

"For helping me when I didn't think I would make it. For healing me and taking care of me. Thank you for helping me get away. Thank you David. Thank you."

Phil meant what he said, and rarely didn't when saying thank you. A small smile started to play on the boys lips but it quickly went away.

"Y-you're welcome..." David stuttered, before shaking his head as if to get rid of thoughts of coming to care for the older boy with black hair. Caring wasn't an advantage.

"Now here are directions to we're we last held you..." The younger male searched his pockets before pulling out a pice of paper and pressing it into Phil's unsteady hand.

"The police are camped out there, waiting for us to come back, I think. At least from what I've heard from my father... You can get help there and use this map." He pointed to the thing in Phil's hand. "To get back here and help Dan, but go quick. In a few hours we'll be moving to a new place for a different test."

Phil nodded, his head spinning with questions and things he wanted to say, but he kept his mouth shut, understanding there wasn't much time in this dire situation.

"C-can you tell Dan something?"

"Of course." David replied.

"Tell him I love him." And with that phil skillfully threw the keys in the air, catching the pice of metal and heading towards the car. He was the best driver, but he did know how to drive and that was all that mattered right now.

Sighing phil started the car, remembering when he had kissed Dan on the cheek so long ago. It seemed like years ago, and such a big deal but now it meant almost nothing.

Then he drove away, watching David get smaller and small in the mirror.

Sorry for this incredibly short chapter.


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