A few friends

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Dan was curled up on the couch when Pj finally showed up, knocking on the door franticly, obviously worried about his friend

Slowly, he stood up, yawning and trembling, to open the door. "H-hey..." He stuttered, the door creaking as it opened. Pj looked at Dan, frowning.

"What's wrong mate? You look... You don't look good." Dan nodded, agreeing with his friend, a knot in his stomach. He was to upset to pretend to be offended.

"Pj... Phil's...." He started to stutter, trembling uncontrollably.

"Where is Phil?" The other male asked gently, taking Dan by his elbow and leading him into the small flat, into the living room, whilst looking around for his childish friend, but he wasn't in the room. In fact, he was no were to be found, and it was quite without him.

Dan closed his chocolatey eyes, holding back tears. "I-I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Pj asked, trying to comfort his friend by rubbing his back and pulling him down to the couch, so they could sit comfortably.

"Phil hasn't c-come home s-sense yesterday." Dan chocked out, putting his hands to his face and sobbing so hard he had to gasp for breath.

Pj sat their in shock, looking down at Dan, not believing him, but his tears weren't just ones of a prank. They were far to much heart broken.

"Dan... W-what... Explain."

Dan took a deep breath, and started trembling, but explained anyways. He explained the lack of milk, the call, the text, the police. Everything. Then, once he was done, came the horrible sobs, that seemed to rip from his body, and attack the ears of anyone around. Even the most heartless person would have to feel extreme pity for the sobbing boy, and all Pj wanted to do was wrap his arms around his friend and never let him go. He wanted to dry Dans tears and would do whatever it took to make him happy again.

So he did. He pulled Dan into a hug as he sobbed, his shoulders shaking, and his lanky frame trembling. They sat their together, for quite a while, and when they finally pulled away the sun was pecking in through the curtains, they neither of them felt compelled to open.

"Dan... How are we gonna get all that money?" Pj asked slowly, looking at his feet nervously. Today he was wearing tie-dye socks, that matched Dan and Phil's pillows, as Phil had pointed out once before after they had filmed a video for Dans channel.

Pj could feel his heart falling into a black abyss as he remembered how adorable Phil had been acting that day, making jokes about dinosaurs.

"I-I don't know...." He stuttered, shivering. "L-lets go to the bank, and see what I-I can take out?" Dan asked, and Pj nodded.

"Then we'll call our other friends and see what they can do. If you feel up to it, you should make a video asking the fans for help. I know I will." Dan nodded, feeling sick.

If he could barley talk to Pj about Phil missing, how could he talk to 4 million people?!

Sighing heavily, Dan stood up, not caring about his appearance, and hurried off to the bank with Pj, sniffling and shaking.

* * *

A few hours later Dan and Pj were back home, with a few thousand dollars but not nearly enough to save Phil. Not even close.

"I'm sorry Dan." Pj sighed, coming up to wrap his arms around his friend in yet another warm embrace.

"D-don't say sorry to me... Say sorry to Phil." Dan sighed, while starting to tremble again. Oh god, they didn't have enough money for Phil... Which meant he was gonna get it. Whatever it was.

Pj gently pulled away from his terrified friend, and patted his back. "Why don't we call some of out friend yea? Then we can check up with the police again."

Dan nodded, biting his lip, and looking at his feet. "I-I don't have my phone with m-me..."

"That's okay, I'll call Chris?" Dan nodded, feeling a little bad. He knew all the kickthestickz shippers had slowly pulled their friendship apart, and made things incredibly awkward between each other, but he also knew that slowly they were becoming closer again. Slowly, but surely.

So, as Pj left to call Chris, Dan went into Phil's room, looking for lion, trying to calm down his beating, broken heart.

When he did find it, Dan crawled into Phil's bed, breathing in his fruity sent, and snuggling the stuff animal. It had only been a few hours, but he already missed Phil so much. He thought about Phil's smile, his bright blue eyes, his adorable little tongue. Everything that made Phil, Phil.

A few minutes later Pj walked into Phil's room, sighing as he sat on the bed, looking at his heart broken friend. "Hey Dan, Chris will be over soon." Dan hummed in response, curling into a little ball, hiding his face in his hands. "Anyone else you wanna call?" He asked gently patting his friends back.

"M-maybe... Maybe Louise." He muttered, closing his deep brown eyes, and pushing his hands into his face.

"Okay sure." Pj replied, handing his phone over to Dan, who quickly dialed her number with a shaky hand.

"Hello?" Louise asked from the other end of the phone.

"H-hi..." Dan stuttered, curling up into a bigger ball, holding his knees to his chest.

"Dan you okay?" She asked worriedly. "Is their anyways this can wait, I'm filming a video with Zoey right now."

Dan could hear Alfie and Zoey asking what was going on in the backround, and Dan let out a small sob.

"I-it's Phil..." He muttered into the phone, whilst Pj started to rub his back.

"What about Phil?" Louise asked, even more worried now. "Is he okay?"

Dan shook his head, knowing his friend couldn't see him but not caring. His heart hurt and his head was pounding and he just wanted to fall asleep and never wake up.

Carefully Pj took the phone out of Dans hand, and started talking to Louise on the other end, explaining everything about Phil and how it would be best if she could come over right now to comfort Dan.

"Yea, he's just laying in Phil's bed." Pj said. There was a muffled response before: "I don't know, friends might be good for him, but he might not want people to see him like this...." More muffled talking. "Maybe just Zoey then... Chris is already on his way. A few friends but not to many."

More muffled conversation, until Pj hung up. "I'm gonna make you some tea okay?"

Dan just nodded, wishing it was Phil who was making him tea instead.

((Short shit chapter sorry. I JUST POSTED MY FIRST YOUTUBE VIDEO. it's called: Lets Go On An Adventure and my name is radioactivehelena PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GO CHECK IT OUT <3333 new chapter coming soon. ))

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