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Pj woke up with a heavy chest, breathing in deeply, and letting his bright green eyes flicker open. With a small shocked 'o' he realized why it was so hard to get another breath in.

On top of him laid Chris, a small amount of droll escaping his small pink lips. His eyes were closed, and all the lines of worry were erased from his face. With an aww, he gently ran his fingers through his friends soft hair.

Casting his eyes on the digital clock under the TV, he realized it was nearly 7 am, causing him to groan loudly. Chris kept on sleeping.

He closed his eyes again, letting a harsh breath out of his small nose. He figured he wouldn't be able to sleep anymore, but didn't wanna disturb Chris. Getting up didn't seem like an option. At least not until the phone rang angrily, causing the male on top of him to jump and nearly fall of the couch.

"Agh!" He yelled, looking up tiredly, dark circles ringing his hazel eyes. Chris's shirt was wet at the top, a sign of the drool that had slipped from his chap lips. His generally messy hair was an angry mop of tangles and Pj was happy he wasn't the one who had to comb through the lions mane. "Ugh." Chris groaned, dropping his head back on his friends chest gently, just as the phone let out another shrill ring. Who called at 7 in the morning?!

"Get off." Pj whispered to his friend, keeping his eyes trained on the clock, cheeks heating up. Chris groaned and rolled to the floor with a thump, just causing him to groan louder. Pj jumped up, hurrying to the phone before it could ring again.

"Hello?" He asked, picking up the device and holding it to his ear.

"Ah! Pj! It's John. We need Phil and Dan at the station in 2 hours."

"T-two hours?!" Pj sputtered, eyes growing wide. No way was Dan waking up the earlier.

"Yes, two hours. Dressed up as well please."

"I don't think th-that..." Pj started to stutter but was meet with static at the other end, causing him to sigh loudly. Chris walked up behind his friend, hugging him around the waist, gently placing his head on Pj's shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"They need us at the station with Dan and Phil right now." He muttered, running a hand down his face and through the curly mop of hair on his head.

"Oh." Chris sighed, closing his eyes and leaning into his friend, nearly falling asleep again.

"C'mon, you wake them up I'll make some pancakes." Chris didn't reply, and nuzzled into Pj's neck, not letting go.

"Hey now..." He started. "This is important. It was about that kid that was their with them..."

That caused Chris to snap his eyes open. He didn't trust David, not one bit and was incredibly wary of the young boy.
"What about him?"

"I'm not sure. I think he's just on trial."

"Oh." Now it was Chris's turn to be frustrated. Neither of them truly understood what was going on, and John wasn't sharing any information anyways. "I'll just go awake them up..."

Pj nodded and headed towards the kitchen, looking for pots, pans and other pancake essential's.

Several minutes later the sweet smell of food fills the flat, and Phil limps into the room, in skinny jeans and a simple white button up shirt.

"Pancakes!" He squealed like a little kid and grabbed the first one, digging in. After eating nothing but soup and hospital food for the longest time the simple treat tasted heavenly. Pj laughed and ruffled his hair before walking off to find Dan.

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