I walk this lonely road

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Phil had been driving for a long time now, the bright yellow road reflectors his only friend. The sun had gone down and bright stars were sparkling in the black sky.

Normally it was hard to see stars from London, but on this abandoned road they looked beautiful. Numerous run down hotels and stores lined the empty streets, and it seemed like this town was once heavily populated, but isolation and the lack of modern technology had drove everyone out. Slowly the town was giving way to trees which soon grew into creepy woods. No wonder Dan had a fear of tress Phil thought tiredly.

Pop music blasted from Phil's speakers, helping to keep him from dozing off. The male didnt tend to like pop all that much but he was playing it anyways, in order to drown out all thoughts of Dan or anything else. Mainly Dan. But it wasn't doing a very good job.

He was feeling extremely guilty that he had left Dan alone, to face whatever the strangers were going to bring him, but he had to, so that he could call the cops. In the end, Dan would wind up safe and warm in Phil's arms soon enough.

Sighing the black haired male wondered what was happening to his best friend right now. Was he asleep? Was he eating? Or was he being tortured by the kidnappers? No... David wouldn't let that happen.

Or would he? Phil wondered, his heart pounding. Did David use me in order to get me out of the way and hurt Dan more? Was he going to kill Dan?!

That thought almost made Phil turn the car around and go back for Dan, but he couldn't. Phil was so close to where apparently the police were camping out, waiting for Dan and Phil, or looking for more information about them.

Call me maybe started playing, and the tired male finally had enough. Quickly, but not quick enough he switched off the pop songs, and turned on the news instead.

Phil was met with the normal drab of weather reports, which he reminded him of his failed childhood dreams of becoming a weather men.

The black haired male sighed loudly, trying to free the weird ache in his chest. God he wished everything was just back to normal right now, or as soon as possible. He just wanted normal days of joking with Dan and normal days of filming videos and normal days of coming up with ideas for the radio show and normal hours of scrolling through tumblr. Normal hanging out with Dan.

If life could even be normal after this... After all they've been through. And what about there friend ship? Would it grow like Phil wanted and like it seemed Dan wanted or would it stay the same platonic relationship. Phil hopped the latter wouldn't be the case.

He really did love Dan, ever sense the first Skype call they had with each other, but the love he was feeling now was different. It was more. It was less brotherly and more wanna make out type of crush, despite the fact Phil strongly agreed cuddles were better then kisses.

"A-am I falling in love with my best friend?" Phil asked him, talking louder then the monotone narrator projecting from the cars speakers.

Yeah... Yeah I am. Phil thought. I love Dan. I love everything about him. His smile. His laugh. His hair. His eyes. His views. His morals. His dimples. I love Dan Howell.

Phil giggled out loud, covering his mouth with one hand and keeping the other firmly on the steering wheel. Sense when did you become such a hopeless romantic? But quickly seeming to realize the situation wasn't a laughing matter Phil pulled his hand away and pursed his lips in disappointment.

Wow it had taken Phil over 5 years for him to realize he loved Dan Howell. The Phan shippers even knew about their love before he did.

Wow I'm blind... Metaphorically and literally.

Speaking of Phil's loss of glasses, it wasn't a good idea for him to be driving, but it seemed like he was the only person on this lonely road that looked like it went on forever.

Sighing Phil changed the new station to something more up beat in order to lift his spirits and blearily drove along the empty street.

* * *

About 15 minutes latter bright red flames came blearily into Phil's view, making him shudder with the memory of that horrible day. The burn scars still littered his chest and body.

"Wow that day seems so long ago..." Phil muttered to himself, his voice strained. "If this was a book it would be at least 18 chapters ago."

Laughing a little at his own joke, Phil drove faster towards the flames, hoping it was where the police were camping out. Checking his directions quickly Phil confirmed his thoughts and sped up even more.

So close yet so far.... About 9 miles.

Groaning, pressed his foot into the gas, feeling exhausted. All he wanted to do right now was sleep. Or snuggle with Dan. Or both. Both sounded the best.

Phil distracted himself with thinking of Dan, and the memories didn't hurt this time. Instead he let out a long sigh, imagining Dan sitting right next to him. He would fiddle with the radio, switching it around every other song, getting angry at the commercials.

The fire was getting closer and closer, and Phil could just make out two people sitting right in front of it, their back to him. The silhouettes looked really cool, light just slipping past their backs.

One of the people jumped up, eyes wide. They waved their hands frantically back and fourth, and Phil sped the car up faster, a small smile tugging on his lips.

He couldn't drive fast enough and he barley even had stopped the car before he was climbing out of it and hugging Chris.

He wanted to cry, he really did but his cheeks stayed dry.

"Ph-Phil?" A sleepily Pj asked, and while the black haired male couldn't sob, Chris had no trouble letting waterfalls erupt from his hazel eyes. He clung on to his friend-maybe a little too hard- just to insure he was really safe, and alive.

"You don't wanna suffocate him!" Pj cried out, jumping up and throwing his own arms around Phil, despite what he had just said. All three makes stood together in shock, two of them crying, the other one feeling nothing but numb.

"Guys let him go." Someone observing the strange trio said gently. "He's in shock, and most likely hurt." After a few more seconds Chris and Pj pulled away, the latter looking at his feet flustered. Chris was staring at Phil, rocking from foot to foot.

"W-where's Dan?" Pj quietly asked, looking around sheepishly. Phil turned his blue eyes to the ground, his head spinning. He could barley see right, and his temple was pounding.

"I-I..." The black haired male started to say, but his tongue failed him. Phil sat right on the hard floor, pulling his knees to his chest and closing his eyes, he fought back a scream of terror.

He was free, and save but Dan wasn't.

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