David's plan

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Hey look an actually update. Anyways a little bit of a trigger warning in this one. Because I don't wanna give away spoilers I'll put it in the comments. Stay safe my lovelies.

"Hey Phil," David greeted, a small smile plastered on his thin pale lips. "I need you to be real quiet for me okay?" The red head spoke to Phil as if he was a misbehaving child who didn't understand what he was doing wrong.

"W-what d-do yo-" Phil started to stuttered, backing towards the door nervously, preparing to call out for Dan. What was David doing here? Shouldn't he have a guard or something? Someone to watch him? Or a toilet in the cell they kept him in?

"Now, now Phil you know the rules." David lunged at him, pressing one hand against his lips hard, the other one digging into the back of his head. The older boy whimpered, to scared to move even a fraction on an inch.

David's brown eyes gleamed, and he pulled Phil into the handicap stall, locking the door and guarding the only way to freedom.

Then Phil was thrown on the hard, porcelain toilet, hitting his still healing burns on the wet pipes. He cried out in pain, squeezing his bright blue eyes shut.

"Phil, Phil you heard me." David towered over the boy, stalking closer to him slowly. "No talking. No screaming." The older male nodded mutely, afraid of uttering a single word.

This wasn't the David who had sung Phil to sleep after he had been tortured. This wasn't the David who had made brought soup to Phil each night. This wasn't the David who cleaned Phil's wounds and helped him escape so that him and Dan would be safe. This wasn't the David who was sobbing over his dead father, despite the fact he had been a murder. This wasn't the caring David Phil knew.

But then again Phil didn't really know David did he? Sure, he had spent some time with him while kidnapped, but nothing too personal had happened between the two boys. They were barely even friends.

Yet somehow, now David had Phil locked in a bathroom stall, with what looked like a shard of glass sticking out of the pocket on his orange jump suit. Dan was right outside, but by the time he could even climb under the door Phil's throat would be slit and his heart would stop beating.

No words were said for quite a while, and the silence was deafening. The older male kept his eyes forward, glued to the lock, terrified of what was going to happened next.

"I'm very proud of myself." David suddenly whispered, causing Phil to tear his eyes away from the door, daring to look away from a moment. "I was capable of not only tricking you and Dan that I was just an innocent child, but the police believed me too."

Phil didn't speak. He didn't even move.

"Ya know... I use to feel bad for all the people my father would test. He use to test me." The boy squeezed his eyes shut against the horrible memory, trying to block out the crippling thoughts that were threatening to take over. "But then... I got over it. The screams became a lullaby to me."

Phil shuttered, clenching his trembling hands into fists, the fabric of his jeans caught in-between his fingers.

"Then you came along... A-And you... Oh you ruined everything." The words forcefully were ripped from his mouth, his whisper slowly growing into a scream. Messy red hair fell in front of David's brown eyes.

"It was you Phil Lester... I wanted you, gah no I needed you." With each sentence Phil grew more and more pale, terrified of were this was going, and what was going to happen. The glass in David's pocket reflected some of the light of the celling, calling attention to the weapon.

"And now I have you." David sounded crazy. No he sounded insane. He even looked insane, bright red hair sticking up in weird angles, a small evil smile plastered on his pale lips which he couldn't stop licking. The boy approached Phil, towering over him and attached his own lips to the whimpering male.

It took that one simple act to make Phil explode, and explode he did. A scream burst from his puckered lips, and his arms shot in front of him as he tried to push the boy away. "Shut up!" David snapped, his lips mer centimeters from the still screaming Phil. "I said shut up!"

A sharp slap caused the blue eyed male to finally go silent, hot tears suddenly rushing down his cheeks. David grinned, licking his lips again. "See, good boy." Phil whimpered, cowering as far as he could. The other boys breath smelled rancid and mixed with his own due to how close they were.

"And good boys get rewarded right Phil?" He didn't answer, lips sealed shut and even if he tried, Phil figured it would come out as nothing more then a whimper of pure terror.

"Answer me when I ask you a question!" David snapped, punching Phil in the jaw, hard. Pain laced through his face, and black dots danced into his vision. He yelped in pain, throwing a trembling hand up to his aching chin.

"I said, good boys get rewarded right?"

"Y-yes..." Phil choked out, fighting against tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks in waves of pain and terror.

"Yes they do." David's smile sent chills down the blue eyed males back, and he visible shivered. David moved closer to Phil again, his brown eyes alight with an evil glint, his chapped lips puckered. He attacked the boy again with a kiss, running his hands through Phil's dark black hair mercifully. The older boy whispered into the kiss, paralyzed with fear but to scared to do anything. Hands started to explore his body roughly, squeezing his hips and forcing his shirt up. Teeth started to attack his neck and Phil closed his eyes tight, skin crawling.

Phil had, had enough right then and he screamed as loud as he could, the girlish sound echoing through out the bathroom.

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