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When Dan woke up he was in the back of a van, black the only thing he could see, a gag tightly wrapped around his mouth. His fear of the dark started kicking in and he thought he could see phantom objects floating in the small corner. Whimpering he closed his eyes.

His body ached everywhere, and he groaned, sitting as still as possible to ensure he wouldn't cause himself more pain.

Dan remembered vividly all of what happened last night. Or was it just a few hours ago? How long had he been out for? Groaning into his gag again at the unanswerable questions, he whimpered.

The bright light before the shock, and the terrifying after effect of bright red was enough to scare his eyes back open. No matter how much Dan hated the dark, reliving that memory was worse. Almost as bad as the pain that was running up and down his burned limbs.

He pulled his legs closer to his chest, which felt heavy, when the car pulled to a stop, and the engine died.

Foot steps could be heard right outside, and blinding sunlight entered the trunk, making Dan close his eyes again. Some scooped him up like he weighed less then a puppy, making sure not to be gentle. Their finger nails dug into his skin, and they made sure he bounce him around as much as possible.

Dan moaned quietly in pain, keeping his eyes firmly shut. The sound of multiple doors opening and locking alerted Dan he was inside some type of building now.

Another door opened, and the guy threw him to the cold, hard floor, having Dan land painfully on his left arm. Tears sprang into his brown eyes, as he felt a heavy boot kick him the rest of the way to the floor.

Someone spat next to his head, before turning away and stormed from the room, locking the door behind him.

"D-Dan?!" Someone asked, that someone being Phil. The older male was immediately at his side, shaky hands struggling to undo the gag that was pressed against his lips.

Dan let his eyes flicked open, and a small smile spread across his chapped, pale lips as he looked up at the beautiful boy he loved. Phil's blue eyes shone with worry, and his hands run up and down Dans face, careful not to hurt the burns. Even with greasy hair and dirty skin Phil managed to somehow look adorable and his smile made Dan's heart speed up.

Neither of them talked for a while, just listened to each others heart beats, smiling somewhat happily to be back together. At least now they could hold each other, and cuddle when the other one had a night mare, or was in too much pain.

"You hungry?" Phil asked gently and Dan nodded timidly.

"I'll be right back." Phil muttered, taking Dans hand and giving it a squeeze, sending shivers down dans spine. Then he let go, and walked to the corner of the room. It was too dark for the injured male to see, and Dan couldn't help the butterflies in his stomach.

He came back a few minutes later, holding a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a small cup of water. Phil held the cup against Dans lips and let him drink as much as he wanted. It was hard to swallow against the lump in his throat at first, but soon the water rinsed away the bad taste in his mouth. "I hope you don't mind, but I had some food too. They only gave enough for one of us."

"It's okay." Dan replied when the cup was taken from his lips. His voice sounded like a microwaved toad. "I'm h-happy you got something to eat."

Phil blushed lightly, making him 10% cuter, if that was even possible.

"C'mon now sit up. I'll fed you the soup." Dan nodded, and painful pushed himself up, stifling groans so he wouldn't make Phil feel guilty about forcing him up.

Phil spooned some soup into the silverware, and held it to Dan's lips. Feeling like a helpless little kid, he ate it. "Th-thanks."

"No problem." Phil feed Dan some more food, giggling as he slurped it down. "When you're done eating do you feel up to explaining what happened...?"

Dan nodded nervously, his ears ringing. Would he be able to talk about what happened, without dissolving into tears? Not that Phil would judge. He never did. Dan just hated crying in front of his best friend. The look he gave him was always one of guilt, as if it was somehow his fault Dan was a mess.

Phil gave him the rest of the soup, before moving to sit next to Dan, gingerly holding his hand. In a platonic, comforting way, but it still made Dan feel all fuzzy inside. He loved when Phil's soft hand was pressed into his own.

"Okay..." Dan started, shivering. He was nervous, and scared to relive what just happened, but it was only Phil. Phil might even make him feel better.

"H-he was asking me q-questions..." Dan muttered, looking at there hands linked together. It would all be okay.

"And every time I lied about my answer..." He started to hyperventilate, each breath coming in gasps.

"It's okay." Phil whispered, rubbing circles on Dan's back, careful around the burned areas.

"Then... h-he would sh-shock me." Dan replied, getting flash backs of earlier. Each time electricity ran through his body and down his spine, it was as if he was seeing his life flash before his eyes. He wouldn't tell Phil the real reason he was here. For testing...

It would just make him feel horrible, that Dan revived all the punishments, while he was off the hook.

"Oh my god." Phil whispered, giving Dans hand a squeeze, his blue eyes wide in surprise. "D-Dan..."

"Don't feel bad Phil." He muttered, laying his head on the older boys shoulder, getting comfortable. He smelled like sweat, and faintly of strawberry. He still smelt like the Phil from before all this happened.

"But Dan..." The older male started to say; however his best friend had stopped listening and was zoning out. Sighing Phil smiled faintly and pressed his lips to Dans warm forehead.

I'm having really bad writers block so I might not update for a week or so, just as a heads up. Sorry guys.

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