Tell him

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When Dan woke up, Phil was fast asleep next to him, his dirty hair falling into his closed eyes, chest steadily rising and falling. His chapped, pink lips were parted slightly and every time he let out a breath his cheeks puffed up.

Dan rubbed his eyes, trying to make his vision more clear, groaning as he stretched out. Dans mussels ached from laying down for so long, and his back hurt a lot.

People were chatting outside the room, one being the man who had tortured Dan earlier. The other sounded slightly familiar, but Dan couldn't tell where he had heard the voice from before.

The two people were arguing, swearing loudly, but not loud enough that Dan could make out what the hell they were talking about. He sighed, and scooted on his butt until he was in front of Phil. No way were they going to hurt his best friend again.

Dan heard the locks being turned with a click. He held his breath and stiffened, unsteadily climbing to his feet, shielding Phil like a protective mother bear.

A boy, maybe younger then Dan, but maybe older walked in, his red hair peeking out of a black wool cap on his head. He was carrying a bowl of soup in his hands, liquid spilling over the sides and he jumped when he saw Dan was wide awake, almost dropping the food on the floor.

Without thinking, Dan launched himself at the boy, tackling him to the hard ground. He wasn't thinking about how this might hurt the kid, or what might happen if he didn't succeed in beating the shit out of him. All he could think about was Phil. And the fact that the door was wide open.

The soup clattered to the floor and spilled everywhere.

Dan was never really all that strong, but the adrenaline pumping in his vines helped. He slammed his fists into the boys side as hard as he could, earning a yelp from the stranger.

"Stop! I'm trying to help you!" The stranger screamed, wincing as he was punched yet again. When he saw Dan wasn't going to listen to him, and stiffened, and shoved a hand into jacket pocket, pulling out a knife.

Dans eyes widened, and he slammed his fist into the boys wrist, causing him to drop the knife with a clatter. The brown haired make quickly pushed it as far away as possible.

The kid snarled, and used his hands to claw at Dans face, leaving little trails of blood on his cheeks. The boy was definitely more experienced in this field than the brown haired male, who couldn't barley hold himself on his chest any longer.

"Phil!" Dan screamed, trying to wake him up. Sure Phil was a deep sleeper, but he couldn't be that bad of a deep sleeper. Not when two people were screaming and beating each other up.

Phil's blue eyes flickering open, and widened in shock at what he saw. "W-wha-?" He stuttered, blinking sleep out of his eyes.

"Run!" Dan screamed, feeling a sharp pain in his side. He screamed. The stranger had punched him hard enough to break a rib, but Dan stayed firmly on his chest. He wouldn't give up until Phil was safe.

"D-Dan?!" Phil asked, stumbling unsteadily to his feet, and backing away from the fight, and away from the door.

"Phil!" Dan screeched, grabbing one of the kids hands and pinning it above his head. "RUN!"

"I-I can't..." Phil muttered, taking a deep breath and nervously walking over to his best friend, to scared to keep speaking.

Dan's head was pounding, and before he could grab the strangers other hand, teeth sunk into his wrist, making him screamed and thrash. But the kid wouldn't let go, and just bit him harder, tasting blood.

Phil didn't hesitate to run to Dans side and slam his foot into the strangers head, and immediately he passed out, letting go of Dan, who fell off the kid, clutching his wrist. Blood dripped down the side steadily.

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