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Dan had been walking for a long time now. Or at least it felt like a long time. He couldn't really tell. The two males just wandered through the house Dan blindfolded, and because of that he was even more of a clumsy mess then normal. His blind fold was taken off when they reached the woods so he could look at where to place his feet and decrease the chances of him tripping.

It was drizzling out but that angry clouds that covered the sun told Dan it would soon turn into an utter down pour. Shockingly it wasn't snowing. Good things it's not raining yet. Dan thought himself. My hair would get extremely curly.

Oh great going Dan, you might die in a few minutes and all you can think about is your bloody hair.

The guy was muttering swear words the whole time, complaining about how he now had to sped up his experiment, which might result in lack of correction information. Dan shuddered at the thought of what might come next in the experiment...

He whipped out a black iPhone, dialing a number with his huge thumbs before resting the technology against his ear. Dan wished he still had his phone, but of course it had been smashed under the guys massive foot.

"Drive Phil to the next place. Now. I'll take care of Dan." He snapped into the device. The mention of his best friends name made Dan start to squirm, anxious of what might be happening to Phil. He needed to insure he was okay.

"I don't care. Take him there." Dan squirmed even harder, biting his lip to stop himself from screaming at the stranger. He couldn't let Phil get hurt. Not his best friend.

"Good see you there." The guy then turned of his phone, putting it into his pocket, before slapping Dan across the face hard. Hard enough for his ears to ring and black and blue spots to dance in front of his vision. Is it even possible for someone to hit that hard? he wondered numbly through the shock.

"Stop struggling bitch." He snap while the ringing in the younger males ears started to subside. Letting out a shaky breath Dan went limp again, allowing himself to be pulled away.

After several minutes of half walking half being dragged along, there was a small barn like thing in the middle of a clearing. The falling apart walls and creaky door reminded Dan of a horror film, the inside even creepier. A single flickering light hung from the celling, suspended over a creepy looking chair, with many buckles and ropes.

Dan started trembling, chewing his pale lips nervously. He wasn't prepared for whatever was going to happen. He didn't know what the chair would do to him but he knew that for a fact. The guy shoved him into the wooden chair harshly, making his back ache as he feel . Then he lifted of Dans shirt, making him shiver. It was freezing out.

Next he buckled his hands to the arms of the chair tightly, making it impossible to move at all. Then the same happened to his feet. Dan didn't struggle, knowing it was useless.

Next the guy disappeared into the dark corner of the room, and no matter how much Dan squinted he couldn't see what he was doing. The guy came back with a bucket, luke warm water spilling over the edge. He stomped right up to Dan, and without warning dumped it all over him.

His eyes opened in shock, but the water helped warm him up. Somehow, despite the fact his pants were now soaking wet, and uncomfortable, he felt a little bit better, and more awake. At least he wasn't cold anymore.

Blinking the water from his eyes, Dan scanned the room again, noticing a foldable table about 10 feet away from him, a chair tucked in behind it. His vision seemed to be adjusting to the blackness but It was still too dark to see in the corners of the room, and when the guy came back holding a fist full of wires connected to something far away Dan was flabbergasted.

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