I'm sorry

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Phil woke up in the corner, ropes tied around his hands and feet. The other end of rope was tied to something far away in the dark that he could see, but judging from lack of room to move his hands and feet, it was heavy, and wasn't going to grant anyone an easy escape. Especially not one is weak as Phil.

Whimpering, he slowly sat up, trying to guess what time it was. He remembered calling Dan, and something about him saying it was one am, but now light shone through the cracked concrete walls, signaling it was earlier then what Dan had last said. Maybe 11 am.

Yawning, Phil slowly sat up from the hard, cold floor, and his head pounding in protest. With a sinking feeling, Phil realized he had been drugged, with something strong, that made the room tilt, and whatever was left in Phil's stomach now lay in puddle on the floor.


Phil shuddered, and gaged on nothing. Feeling like shit he slowly laid back down again, squeezing his bright blueish, greenish eyes closed, desperately trying to abandon all thought, but failing. Of course.

Phil's thoughts were brought to Dan, and how he was. Was he alone? Had a called the police? Was he wasting all his money to safe Phil right now? He sure hoped not...

Did anyone else know? How would they react? Would they try to help Dan pay the money? Would they be looking for him? What would the phandom say?

Tears slowly started to pour from his closed eyes, as he realized what a horrible situation he was in. In less then 2 days he could be dead....

He might never see Dan. Never get to see him smile, his brown eyes lighting up, his dimples popping. He might never get to hear Dans laugh again, his eyes all scrunched up.

"I-I'm so sorry Dan..." Phil chocked on his tears, crying so hard he didn't heart the door creak open, and heavy foot steps head his way.

Suddenly boiling hot water was poured all over Phil, causing him to scream and inhale a mouthful of water. Phil started to choke, sat up a little to quickly, causing his head to throb. Water had gotten in his eyes as well, making it impossible to open them, as he squirmed, and gaged, his blistering throat protesting.

Moaning, and coughing he went to go lay back down again when black boots hit him hard in the side and the voice from yesterday growled: "sit up you fag!" Phil did as he was told, and sat as still as he could for a freshly beaten person, trembles racking his body.

"Your boyfriend told the police." The person growled, and Phil fought the urge to scream: HE ISN'T MY BOYFRIEND. At least not yet... And besides even thinking of Dan hurt to much.

But instead he kept his mouth shut, as a blind fold was tied around his eyes, despite the fact that Phil couldn't see anything anyways, because of the boiling water still in his eyes. "Now don't move."

I can't even if you asked me too. Phil thought bitterly, taking deep breaths in order to calm down. What was the guy doing? Was he getting a gun, or a knife? Was he gonna kill Phil?

He's brain went straight Dan, and he tried to sent him thoughts telepathically. To thank him for being the best friend he had ever had. For always being there. For helping him when he did something stupid. For everything.

Then the guy entered again, and as if he sensed Phil's panic, he sighed. "I'm not going to kill, freak." It truly felt like a bolder had been lifted from Phil's shoulders, and he flinched away as something was placed in front of him.

"Phil, listen closely. I'm gonna leave a laptop in front of you, and you're gonna log into amazing Phil understand?" He nodded. "Good, now there's also a camera on a stand in front of you. You're gonna look at it, and read the paper in front of you and nothing more, nothing less. That's all, understand?" Phil nodded again, as a blind fold was taken from his eyes, and his hands were untied.

"Don't even try to escape. If you do, everything will get worse." The guy snapped, slapping Phil hard, to make sure he understood, before the guy, who Phil noticed was dressed in head to toe in black clothing left.

Slowly, Phil stretched his aching arms and legs, shivering despite the warm water, that was still on his burnt skin. He tried to stretched out his aching limbs.

Then he turned his attention to the laptop, and logged in as amazingphil, his hands trembling as he opened another tap, and logged into his twitter too.

It exploded with tweets from worried fans. It looked like word had gotten out about Phil being kidnapped. There was a screen cap of a news caster saying: "Phil Lester has been kidnaped". Dan hadn't posted anything, of course, most likely mourning the loss of his best friend.

You aren't dead Phil. He sighed and logged out quickly, getting rid of the window, and leaving up the one that showed his account, looking at all the videos, tears prickling in his eyes, as a day in the life of Dan and Phil was the first suggested video.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed the laptop away, and picked up the pice to paper, looking at the camera.

"Hey guys." He read a loud, not bothering to read the whole thing before, which was a great idea, because if he would have Phil wouldn't have been able to keep talking, due to the tears in his voice.

"A-as you can tell I-I'm not at home. I-in fact I don't know where I am, and I-I don't know what's going on. B-but I d-do know that I deserve everything that I-I'm going to get..." Phil took a deep breath, and closed his eyes, trying to be strong so that when Dan saw this, he didn't have to be so upset. Sure he was terrified, but the thought of his best friend kept him grounded.

"B-because Dan called the p-police and t-told you I-I was kidnappedand didn't g-give the money in t-time..." Phil took another deep breath. Had it already been 2 days?. "I'm going to get what I should have gotten in the first place." Phil couldn't look up at the camera, so instead he kept his eyes glued to the paper in front of him.

"I-I'm sorry Dan." He whispered, and broke down, sobbing and crying, not caring how weak he looked on camera, just hating every second of what was happening.

((I have such bad writers block rn so I'm sorry for shit chapter))

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