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When Dan woke up his head was pounding, making him wince and hiss in pain. Something was making him bounce, and every time it went to high or rough it sent another wave of pain shooting through head. Groaning, he sat up slowly, only to be restrained by a seat belt. He was in... A car?

"H-hello?" He stuttered, opening his eyes and blinking to clear his blurry vision.

"Shhh!" Was his response, and he snapped his head toward the drivers seat, seeing the same kid with red hair and brown eyes. A strange combination. He looked a little young to be driving, but considering the fact he had just knocked Dan out with a bat he didn't say anything.

"W-what's going on?" Dan muttered, pushing himself into the car door as far away from the kid as he could.

"Just shut up and I'll explain it later." He growled, shaking his head, driving down the deserted road. Dan shut his mouth, closing his eyes, trembling. What was going on?

* * *

Several minutes later, the car was pulled to the side of the road and Dan open his eyes, his heart jumping into his throat.

This was it. He could run away. It might be his only chance. Wow this guy was stupid.

Without thinking Dan opened the lock on the car door, and threw it open, taking off his seat belt and making a run for it. Each stumbling step his made head ached, and stung like hell, but Dan bit his lip and kept sprinting.

You can do this.

It was dark out, and it was hard to see where he was going but Dan headed the opposite way the car had gone, panting. There weren't any lights on the deserted road.

Already he was out of breath, his mussels aching. Why did he get in shape while he could?!

"Come back here!" Someone yelled, right behind him before he was thrown to the grassy floor, causing him to scream in pain as his head hit the ground. He then sat on Dan's chest making it hard to breath.

"I'm trying to help you!" The boy yelped, and those three words stopped Dan from squirming under him. God he was weak.

"W-what?!" Dan stuttered, blinking fresh blood out his eyes. The wound on his head must have opened again, causing even more pain.

"I said I'm trying to help you, so stop struggling." Dan stopped, looking up at the stranger wearily.

"B-but you...."

"I know what I did. Just let me explain." His brown eyes begged with Dan not to run away, and timidly Dan nodded, struggling to take in air from under the male, but he didn't get up.

"Good. If you scream I'll knock you out understand?"


"Good boy." The stranger carefully used his sleeve to wipe some of the blood off Dans forehead, causing him to yelp as silently as he could.

"Sorry." He replied, being more gentle, before taking out a big band aid from his pocket and putting on the still bleeding cut, staining his fingers red. Surprisingly he was being gentle.

Dan squinted up at him, confused and in pain. First this guy attacked him, and took him right from his home? Then he help heal a problem he had created?

"I-I don't..." Dan started to say, but was shushed immediately.

"Don't talk. You'll waste your energy."
Dan nodded, trembling even harder, unsure of what to do. Should he try and get away or trust this psycho? He decided to allow the guy to speak before deciding.

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