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Dan was in his room, aimlessly browsing tumblr, worried about Phil, when he got the call that caused his life to fall down, surrounding him with ruble, and glass the hurt to even think about.

Phil was the glass, pretty, and smooth and nice to look at... No homo Dan told himself, but hurt to touch because he would never really be his. Just something untouchable. But the ugly, dirty ruble was whoever the fuck Phil's kidnapper was. Whoever stole Dans lion from his life, and threatened his safety.

That asshole.

Dan quickly called the police, explaining everything, and they told Dan they would be at his apartment as soon as they could gather enough people at one in the morning.

Then, burrowing under his black, and warm duvet, that painfully reminded him of the times he and Phil had made forts with all of their sheets, Dan started to think. He remembered the small kiss from from Phil, that still seemed to spark on his check. He put a hand to his check, sniffling, holding back tears. He wouldn't break down. Not now. Not when Phil's life was in danger.

But Dan wasn't expecting the text from the kidnapper to come, and that's when the water works started. Tears poured from Dans chocolate brown eyes, as he looked at the picture of Phil, blindfolded and tied up, white as snow, black hair almost completely lost in the dark setting.

Taking a deep breath, Dan called the only person he could think of at this ungodly hour.

"P-Pj?" Dan asked, still silently crying, his whole body racked with sobs, as he thought of Phil, alone, and cold, and scared.

"Dan?" A tired Pj responded, sounding worried on the other end of the phone. "Are you crying? What's wrong?"

"Ph-Phil..." The sobbing boy only just managed to get out between shuddering breaths.

"Oh god, he didn't hurt you did he?" Pj asked, sighing, which only caused Dan to cry harder. Pj, knew about Dans crush on Phil, and had known for a very long time. But then again who didn't know other then Phil? Sweet, innocent, Phil, who Dan might never see again. Phil, who didn't know how much Dan needed and loved him.

"N-no." Dan's voice cracked, as he slowly started to get his breathing under control. "Ph-Phil's... H-he... Ph.." Dan stuttered and choked on sobs. "C-can you come o-over?" He managed to say, tears running down his checks.

"I'll be their as soon as I can okay?" Pj said, and Dan could hear him moving around to put on his shoes, and get ready to go.

Dan nodded in response, knowing that Pj couldn't see him, but not caring. "C-come quick." And with that Dan hung up, shivering.

He sat under the dark covers for who knows how long, before the door bell rang, and Dan forced himself from bed, not caring that all he had on were blue boxers and a baggy sweatshirt.

A group of 5 police meet Dan at the door, all staring solemnly at the young man who let them inside with trembling hands.

"Hi, Mr.howell, I'm Chelsea." One of the officers said, looking up at Dan, and shaking his hand. Chelsea had long dark hair that went just past her shoulders and equally dark eyes. Her completion was tan, despite the fact it was winter, and Dan wondered if she was recently on vacation.

"Y-you can call me D-Dan..." Dan, mumbled, and she nodded, letting go of his trembling, cold hand.

"Alright Dan, you called earlier saying your friend Phil was kidnapped, and that you got a text from the person who took him?" Wow this lady is straight forward Dan thought.

She has to be you twat, in order to get information quick enough to save life's someone inside his head yelled at him, but Dan ignored it. He was use to that little voice.

Dan nodded, feeling a new wave of terror hit him, as someone with a such a high power announced Phil was kidnapped. Phil was kidnapped. His Phil, was gone.

"You and Phil have YouTube channels right?" Dan nodded again, and Chelsea, who seemed to be in charge, pointed at one of the male officers in the back, and he took out a note pad and a pen. How had she known that...? "What're your channel names?"

Dan felt like this was invading some privacy, and felt a little concerned about answering, but if it helped Phil.....

"A-Amazingph-phil, and danisnotonfire." He replied, unable to even keep his eyes open at the mention of Phil's name, shudders shaking his body.

"Okay we'll be checking out your channels, see if there is anything that could have given away where you live, now why don't you tell me what happened leading up to when Phil didn't come home?" Chelsea said sympathetically, pulling out a pad of paper to take notes, while her team wrote as well.

"W-well..." Dan started. "He was gonna go out for milk a-and he asked me to go to b-but, I said no because I was still in pjs." He blushed as a female officer raised one of her bushy eyebrows. "S-so he left, and a f-few hours l-later... He still wasn't home." Dan took a deep breath, and shoved the palm of his hands into his eyes in order to calm down. "Then one o'clock I got a call a-and then I called the police, th-then I got a text..."

Dan took a deep, shuddering breath, glad he had gotten that over with as soon as possible.

"Can I see your phone Dan?" Chelsea asked and laughed at Dan's horrified look. "I'll give it back to you as soon as I can, I just wanna track the number, see if I can figure out where it's coming from."

Dreading the fact the police would most likely find some penguin porn on the phone (not the Dan had any porn on his phone, bad stuff like that just happened to him) he handed his phone over to Chelsea, his hand still trembling, and it seemed like it would never stop, even when Phil was safe in Dans arms again.

"Oh, password." Chelsea sighed and handed it back to Dan, who quickly got rid of his password.

"I-I forgot!" Dan jumped, showing the text to the police officers around him. "I n-need to find 2 million american dollars o-or else...."

Chelsea gave him a sad look, and fished around for some bills in her pocket. "Look kid... I'm not really aloud to help with this.... But my daughter watches you're videos, and she seems really fond of you. I also know what it's like to lose a love one. I haven't seen my son in years." Dan blushed despite himself as a few notes were dropped in his hand.

"I'll get back to you soon Dan." Chelsea frowned and let herself out while a few others stayed behind to ask the terrified male more questions.

The radio show was amazing tbh xD also I'm crying bc of a fanfic called "tied down" by a wonderwallofmystery which is kinda the inspiration fanfiction....sooo go check it out, and erm see you later I guess lols

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