I'm not gonna hurt you

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Dan was in the corner, his back to the wall. His breaths came in shuddery gasps. He was honesty still shocked he was able to breath in oxygen and let out carbon dioxide without in hailing H2O. Now that he had gotten some sleep, Dan realized just how much his lungs burned. It felt like there was still water in them, yet he was perfectly capable of breathing.

"Ph-Phil?" Dan whispered quietly before remembering Phil had been gone when he feel asleep. It would have to have been hours since Dan took his nap yet Phil wasn't back yet...

"It's okay Dan. It's okay." The scared male said to himself over and over again. "Phil's fine. He has to be fine."

He has to be. The scared brown haired male had no clue what he would do without his lovable lion obsessed best friend. No, no, Phil's alive.

Forcing all thoughts of his best friend from his aching head, Dan looked around the dark room, just making out a bowl of steaming soup in the corner. God, all they ever feed him was soup, and honestly Dan was getting sick of it. Always the same old chicken noodle soup. And it wasn't even that much.

He'd always wanted to be skinny, disappointed in his chubby appearance but now Dan would give anything to have his fat back. Currently he was all skin and bones, rips easily countable.

Groaning he crawled over to the corner like a wounded animal, his stomach heaving the whole way. Dan was shivering and swearing at the same time, and just looking at the food made him sick. But he knew he had to eat it to get better so he took a small spoon full and ate it without tasting. He continued to do so until half the bowl was empty, then set it on the group.

Plastic making contact with concrete causing a loud bang to echo around the silent room. Dan flinched at the sound, bringing his knees to his chest and wrapping his trembling arms around himself.

After coughing harshly Dan laid his head on the hard floor, struggling to get comfortable and eventually failing miserably. A few minutes later, or maybe an hour (time was hard to tell in a pitch black room) the small boy who Dan had beaten up earlier limped in. Light from the now open door flooded into the room making Dan flinch away from where he lay and move closer to the wall behind him. The light shone right on the boys bright red hair, making it look crazier then normal. No way that was natural.

"It's okay... I'm not gonna hurt you." The boy muttered quietly, fiddling with his finger nervously and walking closer to the older male who was cowering away. "And I'm not mad you attacked me... You have every right too."

Dan didn't answer, unsure of how to respond. The door was still open behind the kid, an easy escape, but the brown haired male was too weak to even try. The kid took a few steps towards Dan, as if he was approaching a wild animal. In a way he was. That was all Dan was now, a wounded wild animal with no purpose but the entertainment of these horrible people. One wrong move and he would bolt, right into the head lights of a speeding car.

"L-leave me alone!" He managed to croak out, timidly pushing himself farther against the wall. But the kid was having none of it, and leaned down next to Dan, pressing a hand to Dan's forehead.

"You're burning up." He whispered, then moving his hand down to Dan's cheek which was equally hot.

All Dan did in response was cough harshly into the boys face, to weak to lift a hand to cover his mouth. God you're so pathetic Howell he chided himself.

The boy flinched back, but remained his posture and looked at the half eaten bowl of soup in the corner. "You must be hungry, yeah?"

Dan shook his head no, looking up at the boy in confusion. Shouldn't he be hurting me? He wondered numbly, but was happy the kid wasn't attacking him. It was a nice change.

"Hmmh..." The boy hummed looked nervously down at Dan. His brown eyes were hard to make out with the limited light in the cold room.

"W-what?" Dan asked defensively, trying to sound intimidating but failing miserably. His voice was much too weak and wavered. The boy gave him a pitiful look and gently patted his head much like an owner would to an adorable pet. It hurt, sending spirals of pain through his skull.

"Nothing just thinking..." Dan coughed again, this time moving his elbow in front of his mouth. He felt like he was suffocating and Dan struggled to suck in gulps of stale air.

"I think you're getting sick." The kid announced, pressing his hand to Dans forehead yet again.

No shit Sherlock Dan thought bitterly but bit his tounge and glared at the dirty floor.

"Get some rest, then I'll bring you some more to eat. And a blanket if I can."

"Why the fuck are you helping me?!" Dan asked suddenly, anger replacing utter exhaustion. He wanted nothing more then to run through that open door and towards freedom, but he was way to tired. Even blinking took to much energy.

The boy sighed and looked back at the older male. "Because, I don't want you to have to go through what I went through." Then he ran from the room, slamming and locking the door behind him, leaving Dan all alone again.

Sighing he curled up in a ball and closed his dark brown eyes wishing he could disappear.

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