City lights

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Exhausted and in pain Dan and Phil limped home, each step sending a wave of pain through their broken body. Why they didn't just hail a cab, they didn't know but it was nice to be back on the streets on London as the sun set and city lights flickered on. Sweet smells drifted through the air and with a small, knowing smile Phil pulled Dan into a Starbucks.

"Woah what?" The younger male asked, pulling himself from thought and back into the real world of coffee and pastries. He coughed and quickly covered his mouth, ignoring the weird looks from the other people around him. What was so strange with a freakishly tall British lad coughing anyways?

"Lets get some thing to d-drink before we h-head home." Phil mumbled, letting out a yawn. Dan smiled at his boyfriend and nodded, sniffling.

"Alright, good idea." He lead Phil to a table in the far corner, away from the crowd. "I'll order for you, want the same as always?" Phil nodded eagerly, thankful Dan was helping him out. With a small frown, the older male watched his best friend walk towards the front counter and wait in the long line.

Phil wished he could have as much confidence as Dan did after the kidnapping, but instead he was a mess. Unless it was talking to his boyfriend, he couldn't talk and he didn't even have a reason for it. The words just wouldn't slip past his lips.

While being questioned about what had happened those few weeks... Well Dan did most of the talking. Or all of it. And god... When he did, Phil want nothing more then for him to stop. The stories of torture and pain were hard to listen too. Phil nearly broke down and Dan cried a few times. And the police were relentless. They asked question after question regardless of the tears in either of the boys eyes. They screamed and slammed their fists on the steel table in front of them.

When they were finally done the two of them stopped by the doctors office and received even more medication, which made Dan wrinkle his nose in disgust.

And now, the brown eyed boy came back with two coffee's tightly clenched in his hands and a blueberry muffin.

"Hand me my pills?" He asked right as he sat down, passing Phil his drink, who in return gave his boyfriend his medication. With a sigh Dan shoved the brightly coloured pills in his food and tried to eat it all in one bite, before downing half of his scolding hot coffee.

"Careful...!" Phil mumbled nervously, leaning over to wipe some of the crumbs of Dan's chin. "You could choke."

"Been there, done that." He joked, earning a frown from his black haired friend. "Too soon?"

"Way t-to soon."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay bear." Phil leaned over and kissed Dan's nose, and the latter blushed in response, but quickly pulled away to cough into his elbow. Way to ruin the moment Dan Howell, he thought bitterly.

"What if a fan sees us?" He asked nervously, looking around the small store. Phil bit his lip but shrugged.

"If they see us, so b-be it." Dan nodded, letting out a small yawn. "Tired bear?" A sleepy nod was Phil's response to his question.

"Alright then lets head h-home." The blue eyed male stuttered, standing up and pushing back his chair with a squeak. Dan did the same, stretching his long arms to the celling and wriggling his stiff fingers. Phil took his hands once they were back at his side and headed to the door, taking one last whiff of the bitter sweet smell of coffee.

"Should we call a cab?" Dan asked, looking around the crowded London streets nervously. Lights twinkled and flashed in the dark night, allowing the two men to see easier.

"N-no a walk could d-do us some good..." Phil mumbled, looking over his shoulder as if he was nervous someone was watching them, or following them. "Fre..fresh air and stuff." Dan nodded in agreement, his eyebrows furrowed with worry.

"Phil what's wrong?" He asked gently, giving his boyfriends hand a squeeze.

"I-it's kinda crowded here..." He whispered, starting to tremble slightly and not from the cold, brisk air. Dan put his arm around Phil, squinting his eyes with worry. He wondered if he was starting to develop a stutter, but said noting of it.

Instead the two friends just started home, taking in the city lights and city sounds. They were silent for a while, just enjoying the view, when Phil suddenly decided to speak up.

"I-in the bathroom..." He started, earning a shush from Dan.

"It's okay, you don't have to go on."

"I-I.... Yes I do." Phil whispered, letting out a shaky breath with a shudder. Dan kept his lips sealed, allowing Phil to take his time.

"When I was in their David kept... He kept trying to... H-He was... Kissing me a-and I didn't do anything. I-I'm sorry Dan I should have fought back b-but I just couldn't...."

The younger male took a deep breath, trying to find the right words before talking again. How dare you touch my Phil, my innocent little Phil. For a moment Dan Howell only saw red.

"Phil...." He whispered gently, pulling the boy into a soft hug. "I'm so, so sorry... And none of this.... None of this is your fault. I promise."

Phil looked up at his friend, chewing on his bottom lip nervously. "But Dan I..."

"It's not your fault, and now David's behind bars and I swear, no one will ever hurt you again. I promise."

"Alright..." Phil whispered, leaning into Dan, making the same promise to his friend in his head.

No one will ever hurt you Dan, even if it kills me.

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