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Phil stayed with Dan the whole time, refusing to let go of his cold hand.

Half way to the hospital Dan had woken up, a steady stream of moans escaping his pale lips. His heart rate speed up, and his breath came in gasping sobs.

Medics pushed Phil out of the way, and stuck needles into Dan's wrists. His brown eyes were wide with fear but his best friend could do nothing but watch. The pain must have been bad, as not even a scream would pass Dans lips as he laid their dazed.

More needles. More tubes. More beeps. Everything had mulled into a single fluid sound of rushing water and a constant ringing.

Behind the ambulance trailed a police car, Pj and Chris anxiously sitting in the back, twiddling their thumbs. The hospital was a long way aways and their was nothing Phil, or his two friends could do but sit their, watch and wait.

So they did, even as the ambulance pulled up to the hospital and wheeled Dan inside.

Chris and Pj soon found Phil sitting in the waiting room looking shell shocked. He kept pinching the inside of his palm, checking to make sure he was really here and soon his hand was bright red.

"Hey mate." Chris said lightly, sitting down next to his friend. Pj stayed standing, rocking on his feet. "You should call your mum, she's been worried about you."

Phil shrugged. He didn't have a phone on him and at the moment he wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Or I can..." The curly haired male suggested, pulling his iPhone from the pocket on the back of his skinny jeans.

Phil nodded great fully, eyes transfixed on his hands in his lap.

With a small smile Pj walked to a less crowded part of the room, before realizing he didn't know what Phil's mums phone number was.

But with a knowing sigh, instead of turning around and asking he grabbed a telephone directory and started looking up the number.

The cry of pure shock and happiness from Mrs.Lester was one of the best sounds in the world and she agreed to call the Howell's right away.

With a small smile on his lips Pj hung up, thumbs levitating over his friends numbers. They would be scared and wouldn't know Dan and Phil were safe yet... But it didn't look like Phil needed any more attention.

A group of press and journalists had gathered around Phil, all screaming questions and frantically writing stuff down. He looked scared and anxious as Chris and a nurse tried to tell the people to kindly fuck off.

Pj tried to squeeze through them and get to his friends but only revived an elbow to the gut and lots of swear words thrown his way.

Luckily John and Sherlock decided to turn up just at that moment and made the crowd dispersed. A few people still hung around however, looking for a good story.

Pj could see the headline now: British Internet Legends, Kidnapped and Returned. It was sickening.

John gave Phil a small smile and walked up to the front desk while Pj finally made it back to his friends.

"She's on her way." He muttered, sitting down next to the black haired male. "She said she would get Mrs.Howell first before heading over here."

Phil nodded, glad his mum would be here soon. All he wanted to do right now was cry and possibly throw a fit until he could see Dan but he knew that wasn't possible.

Suddenly the nurse who had tried to help make the press go away walked up to Phil, a fake smile plastered on her face. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a tight bun and her button up shirt had Disney villains all around it.

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