Your name

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Phil looked up at the kid in shock, shaking his head causing black fringe to fall into his blue eyes.

"What fffuu-" he started to swear but stopped himself, fighting the urge to slam his clenched fists into the guys gut. Even beyond pissed Phil wouldn't swear or hurt anyone. After attacking this boy earlier... Well the guilt was eating him alive. "I'm not leaving Dan behind." Phil spat, pushing himself off the ground and towering over the younger boy, despite the fact he was scared out of his mind. He needed to act tough in order to get his way. To get his Dan back.

The kid stood up as well, his teeth gritted, face still etched in pain. Every time he winced Phil felt even more guilty about hitting him earlier. In fact the guilt was slowly tearing him apart but Phil didn't let it show. He was going to be strong for Dan, and get them the out of this mess.

"Listen..." The kid started to say but Phil cut in.

"No. You listen to me understand?!" He made sure his voice sounded deeper and more threatening then it normally did. He needed to prove he meant business. "We're gonna find Dan and get him out understand? I don't care what happens to me as long as Dan is okay. He has to be okay." Phil said the last part as if he was trying to convince himself. He fought the urge to add a please after wards and bit his tongue.

He has to be.

The boy shook his head, and Phil was shocked to see tears in his blue eyes. "L-look... That guy, the one who took you boyfr-"

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Whatever." The kid snapped and Phil shut up, understanding the boy was on the verge of tears. His fists were clenched to the point were they started turning white, and he was trembling so hard it was making the older make sea sick.

Phil could never ignore anyone in distress, and tried to make them feel better no matter what they've done.

That was Phil for you, always understanding. "That guy is my dad and he..." The kid shuttered and wrapped his arms around himself as if he needed protection. Something strange inside Phil wanted to comfort the kid, but he pushed the thought from his mind. He was acting like... Almost like a victim.

"He doesn't need you, he needs Dan. So if you run... A-and call the cops..."

"Why the fuck are you trying to help me?!" Phil asked, shaking his head, and to the older males surprise the boy lifted up his shirt showing multiple scars. It was horrible to look at and Phil couldn't even imagine the pain this poor kid had been through. The kid kept his bright blue eyes trained on the floor, terrified of what Phil might say.

"B-because I know what he's c-capable of."

Phil was speechless as he looked at the countless bruises on the boys chest from numerous tortures that had taken place earlier. They would never heal and a few new ones were here and there. Those new ones were there because of Dan and Phil. They had done that. They had hurt someone who was already hurting. They were monsters not this boy...


"My dad..." The kid butt in, cutting Phil off. He was trembling like a leave in autumn. "My dad he's... Trying to find the... Well the best sexuality... By p-putting them through... T-tests."

Phil let out a shaky breath, backing up so he was against the wall and slowly sinking to his bum. Tests? What type of tests? And what type of sicko thought someone's sexuality defined how strong they were?

Dan... What test was happening right now? Was he gonna have the same scars as the poor kid in front of him? Was he going to live?

Phil knew Dan was pansexual, but barley thought of. His favorite books, and movies, amines, video games, and how he saw the world was what made Dan, Dan, not what gender he was sexually attracted too.

And the same went for everyone.

Feeling bile crawl up the back of this throat Phil looked at the kid across from him.

The boys eyes were brimmed with red, but he quickly wiped away the tears when he realized Phil was looking at him with concern. His trembling hands were clenched into fists at his side and he let his head drop forward.

"I don't want the same thing that happened to me happen to your friend..."

Phil nodded, agreeing with the boy. He wouldn't let anyone ever hurt Dan again. Not his dansour that now shared the same feelings Phil had for him. Love.

"So I'm gonna help you run, and the minute you can you're going to call the police." The boy said, his voice crisp and clear.

There was an awkward silence in which boys were thinking but Phil finally said. "Okay." In a small voice, but it was steady nonetheless. "B-but before I go... I want to know something."

The kid raised an eyebrow so high that it disappeared behind his bright red hair. "And what is that?"

"Where you the kid... the one that healed me after m-my burning and... W-What's your name?"

The kid laughed, shaking his head. "That's all you wanna know?"

Phil nodded, not seeing what was so funny. But then again without his glasses it was hard to see much of anything. A few days after he had been kidnapped Phil had to take out his contacts to stop his eyes from itching so much, and possibly becoming infected. Now he was basically blind, but didn't wanna complain on top of everything else going on so he didn't tell anyone.

"Welp... My names David. And yes. I've helped you."

Phil gave David a weak smile. It was deprived of any emotion, but it was a smile. "Well David, my names Phil and I'd be happy to allow you to help me get out."

And David smiled back.

* * *

Phil had a pice of cloth tied around his eyes, a little bit too tight and he was stumbling through the halls. David was leading him outside so that he could make an easy escape.

Apparently the cloth was necessary, just incase Phil tried anything. Not that he would, David was much stronger then him and could easily out run him.

After several minutes of walking the blindfold was removed and a pice of tiny metal pressed into Phil's hand. It was a car key. And right across the road was a white truck, which was slightly dirty.

"You do know how to drive right?" David asked, keeping his blue eyes on the vehicle. Slowly his face was starting to turn black and blue from earlier's beating.

Phil nodded, letting out a shaky sigh. He sorta sucked at driving, but chose not to mention this. He also didn't tell David he couldn't really see currently. Just the... minor details were left out.

This was really happening. Phil was getting out, just like he always wanted. Only a certain Dan shaped figure wasn't by his side.

Haha shitty chapter sorry. Writers block and I have the flu... Yay?

Anyways hope you guys have/had a great spring break and Easter if you celebrate it!

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