Times up

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The 28 hours were up and Dan knew it. He had a managed to collect a little over half a million dollars, and was steadily getting more but it was to late and it wasn't enough. To late for Phil, and he was gonna get it. Whatever it was.

Right now Dan dragging his feet over the icy pavement, forcing himself to keep putting one foot in front of the other and make his way to police station for more questioning about Phil.

It was freezing out, but Dan didn't mind. The cold woke up his mind, stopping his thoughts from falling into a black abyss of endless misery because Phil, was gone, and most likely being hurt as Dan complained about the cold.

God he hated this.

He pulled open the door to the police station, letting in a gust of cold air as a young man looked up at Dan from where he sat behind a desk, looking like he wanted to be asleep, and not have to deal with some poor emo kids problem's.

"Hi." Dan mumbled, his voice horse.

"Um...hi?" The man asked, his soulless blue eyes blinking slowly. "Can I help you?" The way he talked was as if he didn't really care if Dan need help or not.

"Yeah." The younger male started, taking a deep breath. "I got a call earlier that said they needed me here for questioning?"

"Oh. Dan Howell?" Dan nodded, chewing his lip nervously. "Sit down, someone will be here to talk in a minute."

Dan dragged his feet over to the uncomfortable station chairs, his brown eyes skimming over the dirty while walls. There were a few certificates in the walls, all framed and dusty, but he didn't bother reading any of them.

He was going to shut off his mind so that he couldn't think of phil, but it was too late, and now all he could think of was phil.

His bright shinning eyes, that sparkled when he talked about super Hero's or anime. His tongue that stuck out when he giggled, or the awkward way his hands rested in his pockets. Now that Phil was in his thoughts he was thrust into a memory, so vivid it seemed real.

* * *

It was pretty late, but Phil still wasn't home yet. Currently he was out with some friends from school, that Dan had only ever met once. And they seemed cool. Much cooler than himself. People who phil might actually want to hang out with.

Dan always felt a little bit of jealousy when phil was away, with other people. Dan didn't really have good friends in school, and once he was in uni, he had phil so it wasn't really worth meeting new people and being forced to socialize. Sure Dan knew some people that he would met up with now and then, but Phil was always with him, making it less awkward.

Normally phil brought Dan along too, but tonight he hadn't, making the later feel worried and left out. Had he done something wrong? Was phil mad? Did his friends not like him? The answer to all his worried came from within his last question.

It was sorta obvious his friends didn't like Dan, considering the first time they met he was practically killed by fangirls, causing a scene and ruining the night.

Dan decided it wasn't best to dwell on the situation, and went on the Internet instead, replying to as many people on twitter as he could in order to keep his mind off phil.

A few hours and a lot of tumblr later Phil stumbled in, smiling at his friend with a lopsided grin before dropping to the carpet.

"Phil?!" Dan asked worriedly and pushed the laptop off his knees in order to help his fallen friend, who was already pushing himself off the ground.

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