"He's in shock"

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Phil was currently staring at the fire, a soft fluffy blanket wrapped around his shoulders. Despite being warm he was shaking like a bright red leaf before it fell from it's branch due to a gust of autumn air.

Pj was on the left side of Phil, and he was giving him a worrying stare. The curly haired male could barley get Phil to speak after he had collapsed onto the hard floor.

"He's in shock." John had said, checking the black haired males pulse on his cold wrist. "So just leave him alone for a while, he'll tell us what happened when he's ready." Phil nodded at that, a lump steadily growing in his throat, making it hard to breath properly.

The stars twinkled in the nigh sky, and they were so much more bright in the middle of no where. In London, their where lights on all night long and it was nearly impossible to see the sky. Phil quite liked the way they looked, but it painfully reminded him Dan wasn't here to look at the comforting specks in the distance.

Sighing loudly and earning another worried glance from Pj, Phil thought back to the time when he and Dan had been playing Slendermen. Of course the younger male, who was scared of almost anything was terrified of the game as well.

Later that night Dan had stumbled into Phil's room, his hair devilish, a shirt haphazardly thrown on.

"I-I heard a bang." The brown eyed male stuttered, wrapping his arms around his trembling frame in a huge hug.

Without questioning, Phil lifted his blue duvet and let him Dan crawl under the covers. The black haired boy was to tired to say anything and yawned instead.

"I'm sorry Ph-Phil..." He mumbled, burying his head in the older males chest. Dan was no longer crying (he had been having a full blown panic attack in his room) but his cheeks were still wet and stained his friends tee-shirt.

"Why are you sorry Dan? You're afraid and you don't need to be sorry for that. It's human."

But Dan didn't hear the last part and was already fast asleep in Phil's arms, no longer scared. Instead he was content and happy snuggling with his crush.

Phil sighed heavily, wondering how terrified Dan must be right now, alone. Alone and in the dark, possibly hurt and in pain, with no stars or Phil to calm him down.

"P-Pj..." He muttered, shocking his friend and causing him to jump up.

"Yes?" The green eyed male asked gently, rubbing small circles on Phil back, who flinched away slightly.

It's just Peej Phil reminded himself, he won't hurt you.

"W-we need to find Dan..." The black haired male whispered, a thousand thoughts clouding his thinking, but Dans safety being the most important.

"We will don't worry. He'll be safe." Pj replied gently, oblivious to Phil's rising temper.

"No he won't." The black haired male snapped bitterly, immediately regretting it. Phil Lester wasn't one to make others feel bad about themselves, or anything so when he saw his friends hurt face he softened.

"Sorry peej I just.... I need Dan back."

"It's okay Phil." The green eyed Brit replied gently and turned his head up to the night sky.

John was standing outside the car, while Sherlock was comfortably resting on the plush seats. The male who was outside in the freezing air looked mad, and despite being curios Phil didn't listen in on their loud conversation.

"Those are the detectives that were helping to save you." Pj explained and Phil nodded. When he had first meet John they hadn't had much of an introduction before the older male was checking Phil's lungs and heart beat. In the end he had announced Phil was in shock and had some 2nd degree burns along with a few minor bumps and scrapes that might scar.

That was definitely much better then the black haired male was expecting and a large sigh escaped his lips before John went to talk with Sherlock in the car.

About 30 minutes of silence later Chris had gone to the bathroom and Phil had nearly exploded at Pj.

The whole car ride Phil had been running on pure adrenaline but now all that energy had been replaced with exhaustion and sadness. He was so tired Pj's face was starting to fade into shades of white, black and green, and that wasn't because of Phils loss of glasses.

"Hey." Chris said, now back from his potty break. He sat next to Phil on the ground and picked at his sleeve a heavy silence settling on the group. Phil didn't notice. He barley noticed anything.

"Why didn't you get him?" Chris finally asked in a quiet voice. Phil's head shot up from where it was currently rested in his hands and Pj sent his friend a warning look.

The fantastic foursome hadn't left each other on the best of terms (okay more like Chris had left them but that's another story for another time) and even now Chris wasn't a part of YouTube.

Everything had gotten to stressful. The need to post and come up with creative content, and everyone asking him if he was okay when he hadn't uploaded in a while. It was just to much so he quit.

Sure he still made videos but the real world and the online one was adding so much unwanted stress to his life.

"W-what?" Phil stuttered, and Chris could feel the blood rushing to his head.

This isn't a good idea! Someone screamed at the back of his head. Chris leave Phil alone, he's hurt and misses Dan just as much as you do!

But for some reason Chris said it anyways. Maybe it was because he was still jealous that Dan and Phil had been able to keep in touch with Pj, or maybe it was just because he was left alone for so long.

"Why didn't you get Dan?" Chris repeated, balling his hands into fists. Phil flinched away and into Pj at the action, trying not to remember his own fists slamming into David's head.

"Chris." Pj snapped, wrapping an arm around his trembling friend.

The hazel eyed male let his hands go limp and hunched over.

Why the fuck did I say that?!

He had no answer.

"I-I didn't have choice... I had to leave in order to save Dan..." Phil mumbled, wiping his bright blue eyes quickly.

"Phil you don't have to answer." Chris whispered, guilt bubbling up in his stomach. "I didn't mean to say ask that. I'm sorry."

Pj gave Chris a small smile, and kept calming Phil down by rubbing his back soothingly.

"N-no I should answer." He mumbled, leaning into Pj more. Phil was exhausted and his head was aching. All he wanted to do was fall asleep but he had to explain something to his friends and the detectives.

"I-I have a m-map in the c-car..." He muttered, nodding towards the car he had driven in order to get here. Chris had parked it next to Johns own blue pilot. Not exactly the car one would exepect of two consulting detectives but it was roomy and comfortable.

"A map?" Pj asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Y-yeah... That's what I used in o-order to find you... It should l-lead to where they're keeping Dan." Phil stuttered, not exactly sure what he was saying made sense.

All his words melted together into one rambling sentence and he couldn't understand himself. Everything seemed mulled together.

"I-I..." Phil started to say. He could just make out Chris and Pj trying to talk to him but nothing could be heard over the ringing in his ears and without thinking Phil buried his head in Pjs shoulder and cried until he feel asleep.

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