Late night concert

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Reposting this chapter.

Phil woke up to darkness. And music.

It blasted somewhere from down the hallway, saving him from his dreams of terror and torture. With a grunt of pain he rolled out of bed, leaving the comfort of his duvet to see what the ruckus was.

Phil started down the hallway blindly, searching for a light switch with his hand and quickly turning it on. Light flooded the hallway, helping to calm his previous terrified mood. The plant in the corner was somehow still alive, thriving without water and pride swelled through Phil's heart.

I'm a good dad, he thought to himself. As if agreeing, the plant wilted one of it's branches before his father could continue through the flat.

Pj and Chris were still fast asleep in the living room, both boys passed out on the couch in a pile of long limps. Chris's head was against his friends chest, which rose and fell steadily.

Awing to himself, Phil turned away, still in search for the music. From where he currently stood it was pretty faint, and in the hallway it was louder so he started in that general direction. A cough echoed through the flat and it sounded like it came from closer to Phil's room.

Panic started to bubble in his stomach as he approached the other side of where he lived. It could just be Dan, or it could be an intruder coming to finish the work David's dad hadn't. Perhaps he already had Dan and the music was his way to warm the others something was wrong.

Yeah, it was most definitely louder in the hallway and with a small smile he realized it was coming from Dan's room, the door closed, light flooding from underneath the crack. It didn't seem like anyone else was in his room, just a wide wake Dan Howell.

"Dan?" He asked, gently rapping on the wood, hoping to receive a response from his sick friend. The music turned off, silencing the room and the door creaked open slowly, shinning light into the hallway and casting shadows over Phil's face.

"Hi..." Dan said shyly, so hunched over he was shorter then Phil.

"H-hey." Phil replied, whispering. "I heard your m-music and um, gah I want"

Dan smiled up at him, managing to silence his friend. "Wanna come in?"

"Y-yea." Phil nodded, entering the room once the door was open all the way, watching as Dan closed it again.

The black duvet was messily placed on the bed, a laptop half closed, shinning the only light on the bed. Phil sat next to the device with a small yawn.

Dan yawned as well and crawled back under the blanket, bringing it up so all that was visible was his sad brown eyes peeking out.

"I-I think we sh-should talk..." Phil mumbled, keeping his distance from his friend, nervously chewing his lip.

"Hmmh." Dan said, agreeing. It had been a long time sense they were both alone and able to talk in private.

However, Dan couldn't help the panic that ran through his veins at the start of Phil's sentence, a shudder racking his body.

We need to talk doesn't usually start a good conversation, he thought bitterly.

"I m-mean... What does... All that happened w-when-erm what does it mean to y-you?"

Dan perked his head up, watching Phil as he still nervously nibbled on his lip. With a shaky hand he leaned over and poked his friends lip, getting him to stop destroying the pale pink, smooth, skin.

"D-don't give yourself a bloody lip." Was Dan's only reply as he thought of how to answer Phil. Sure being honest was most likely the best thing to do in this situation, and it seemed like Phil liked him as well, but what if....?

What if they ruined there friendship? What if Phil really didn't like him? Sure they had shared a few kisses over the past few hours, but were they out of pity?

And the last time Dan had been in a relationship... It hadn't ended well.

The girl had cheated on him with 2 other guys, each hotter then the last and even one girl. The memory was painful to even recall, and with a sigh he brought his knees up to his chest, picking invisible dust off his duvet.

Phil was watching him, wary of his next move. Dan coughed, trying to buy himself more time and clear his lungs of water.

"I-I..." Dan stuttered, trying to come up with any explanation to explain his feelings.

What if he hates me? Asked the voice in the back of Dan's mind.

But Phil seemed to understand, and he crawled across the bed, engulfing his friend in a huge hug.

"It's okay, j-just tell me when you know okay?" Phil sounded disappointed, his voice dripping with sadness.

Hating that sound, and not being in his right mind, Dan pressed his lips to his friends, cupping his cheek gently, while Phil ran his hands through his friends hair. The kiss was short and tender, pure love behind the innocent movement.

With a sigh, Dan pulled away, licking his lips, trying to memorize the taste of Phil. He tasted like vanilla, coffee and something distinctively Phil. It was freaking amazing.

"I think...." He whispered, leaning his forehead against the other males, who was looking at him in shock, his blue eyes wide. "That I really like you." A giggle burst from his lips, a not very Dan sound, but an adorable one nonetheless.

"I hate you." Phil laughed, throwing his arms around his friends neck and pulling him in for a more intense kiss, opening his mouth and smiling.

The older male couldn't help but laugh, kissing back with all he could. This one was more heated then the last, and Dan treasured every second of it.

Dan pulled away again in order to catch his breath and pulled back the covers, allowing his friend to crawl under neath them.

Phil obliged, giggling as he got comfy and snuggled into Dan's chest, taking a whiff of his newly washed tee-shirt.

It smelt warm and soft.

"I just wanna lay here with you forever." Dan whispered, sleep finally catching him by the tail and pulling him under.

"Then you can." Phil replied simply, closing his own eyes.

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