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Credit to who ever drew the fanart.

Phil woke up snuggled into someone's side. They were warm and comfy, and the hopeful male couldn't help but pray that it was Dan. That everything that had happened to him had been a horrible dream and now he was wake back in his room. Maybe him and Dan would film a Dil video later. Maybe they would just cuddle and talk about radio show ideas. Currently Dan's dark duvet was thrown over his should, creating warmth.

Yea that seemed nice. That seemed wonderful and logical. A dream. It was just all a dream.

But opening his bright blue eyes Phil realized he was wrong, and instead he was snuggled into between Chris and Pj. Both of them were fast asleep, and the sun was high in the sky. John was in the car asleep, and his curly haired companion was stomping out the flames of a fire whilst looking at a pice of paper.

Phil figured it was the map he had put Chris in charge of getting from the car.

"M-morning..." Phil mumbled, gently snuggling closer to Pj, nuzzling into his chest.

"Hello." Sherlock muttered, waving his hand as if he was swatting away a fly.

"W-what going on?" He asked tiredly, reviving a shush from the detective. So Phil shut up and closed his heavy blue eyes. Everywhere hurt, even the placed that weren't beaten up.

When he opened them again more light was shinning through the grey clouds. It looked like it might rain later. It even smelt like rain. Warm, and heavy, but comforting. Like Phil really was just in bed under his bright blue duvet.

But he wasn't. And next to him Pj was stirring, lifting his arms to the sky. Chris was already wide awake, rummaging through the back door of the bright blue car. A few seconds latter he let out a cry of pride.

"I found them!" Chris yelled, pulling his head out of the back, showing off his messy bed head.

"Found what?" Pj questioned, standing up from the hard floor and stumbling towards his friend.

"Poptarts!" Chris cried, opening the box of the delicious food. Phil's mouth watered. It had been forever sense he'd had food that wasn't soup and his stomach howled in protest.

"What type?" John asked, stepping out of the car, and blinking the sleep from his eyes. Dark circles lined his eyes, but it wasn't as bad as the ones under Phil's.

Phil looked like... Well a mess. His dark black hair was long and tangly, and his skin paler then usual. One might even mistake the boy for a vampire, considering he looked like death. Purple bruises stuck out like a swore thumb on his bare arms and the bandages around his torso made it hard to move. None the less he was grateful for the pain killers he had received last night. Why he wasn't already at a hospital was unknown to Phil, Pj and Chris but the three trusted the detectives and figured whatever they were planning it was for the best.

"S'mores." Chris muttered, walking back towards Pj. John followed him like a lost puppy, his stomach grumbling.

"We can eat on the way there." Sherlock snapped, grabbing his fiancé by the back of his collar and dragging him back towards the blue pilot. John's face fell into a pout but he didn't fight back.

"Call Chelsea, I'll start the car. Have her bring medics and cops right here okay?"

John nodded, grumbling about how he wasn't Sherlocks slave but granted his desires anyways.

"You three." The older curly haired male pointed a singly bony finger at the boys who all looked up at him, curious.

"Yes?" Pj asked, offering Phil a hand up. The aching male took his gratefully and let his friend pull him off his feet.

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