Black hair & blue eyes

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Dan woke up cold and miserable. He was back on the hard, concrete floor, with nothing but his hands to rest his bruised face on.

His light shirt was still soaked along with his dirty jeans. Shivering, Dan groaned into his hands, brown eyes still squeezed shut. A sudden harsh cough ran through his body, and he groaned in pain as the jeering moments of his aching body made knifes of pain shoot through his skull. Everything hurt, from his toes to his finger tips there was a tingling sensation of pain.

No lights were on, and despite the face Dans eyes were closed, he could feel the blackness weigh on him like a heavy blanket on a warm summers night, hot and uncomfortable. The terrified male kept imaging horrifying ghosts that lurked in the corner, with one eye missing, and half of their brain falling out.

Or two little twin girls with matching blonde ringlets framing their faces. The pink dress they both wore was frilly and coated in dark red blood. Dan could even smell the repulsing stench, and it took him a while to realize the smell was him. His tee shirt was covered in the red liquid, but luckily the pool water had managed to wash most of it off.

The pool...

The pool was worse then the shocks. In the water Dan was helpless, just like a young child abandoned by it's mother in a crowded room. At least while being electrocuted it was partly his fault if he got hurt. Dan just had to answer the question correctly to escape thousand of volts running up and down his body, where in the water Dan could do nothing to help himself. In the water he was alone.

Just thinking about it made his blood run cold, and Dan figured he would not be swimming for a long time, if ever again. The fear of drowning would forever be there, and he would be forever traumatized by it. Unless, maybe Phil helped him to get over the phobia.


"Ph-Phil?" Dan croaked in a shaky voice, moving his stiff fingers across the hard ground hoping to make contact with his best friend. The scene that had happened before he was forced away from the blue eyed male started to play in his head, making his heart jump to his throat so fast it brought some bile up with it.

If Dan had anything in his system to throw up, he would have.

"It's okay." Phil repeated, inching closer to Dan, dragging the dead weight on the boy behind him. The stranger slammed the tip of the gun into Dans head, smiling gleefully, and backing towards the door slowly. The blow made him whimper in pain, whilst black spots bloomed into his vision. Everywhere hurt.

"I'm in love you." Dan whispered, keeping his eyes closed so he didn't have to see the shock on Phil's face, or the disgusted look he gave him. Every word he had managed to spit out before then came out as a stutter but this didn't. It came out as pure as Dans love for his best friend.

"Phil?!" Dan repeated louder, opening his chocolatey brown eyes that were blood shot and filled with fear. Hoping his eyes would adjust to the dark room soon Dan crawled on his hands and knees around the small area, wet and wrinkled hands getting muddy from the disgusting amount of dirt on the unswept floor. Another wet cough raked his body, and his arms buckled underneath his weight.

"Phil?! Phil?!" Dan kept calling, his voice already weak and hoarse. His arms started to shake, a sign that they were about to give out under his weight but the determined male ignored it and kept searching for his best friend.

Luckily his eyes quickly adjusted and Dan was able to make out the loss of a slightly smaller yet older male that should be right next to him.

Tears gathering in Dans chocolaty orbs, he collapsed to the floor his weight too much for his weak arms to handle, crying out in pain when his head slammed against the concrete and he immediately passed out.

* * *

This time when Dan woke a small amount of light shone through the window, but enough so that Dan's fear of the dark wasn't triggered. The creepy girls and one eyed ghosts that he had been so sure of were now gone from the corners. A harsh cough burst from his chapped lips and he groaned in pain.

Sighing, Dan stretched his aching mussels, still shivering in the cold room. His black skinny jeans were extremely uncomfortable.

The tired male looked around the room sadly, very aware of Phil's absence.

Phil was gone. And Dan didn't know why. All he knew was that Phil had left him.

Maybe to be tortured by the horrible strangers, or maybe after Dan had confessed his love for Phil he had been so disgusted he had run away. Just, run away with out Dan, leaving him here to suffer for the rest of his pitiful life.

But that last one... It didn't make sense.

Phil continuously hinted that he liked Dan, for gods sake he even kissed Dan! Phil had kissed; Dan, yet the latter was still absolutely clueless!

Sighing Dan pulled his knees up to his chest, shivering harder. He wiped his runny nose on his dirty hand and fought the urge to cough. Maybe the reason Dan hadn't ever caught on to Phil's adorable flirting was because he wasn't use to anyone liking him that way.

Sure he was a lot better mentally then he was in 2009, but Dan still heavily lacked the confidence most people had.

So that meant Phil was... He was being tortured right now, and their was nothing Dan could do about it. The stranger must have taken Phil into one of the back rooms, that was the only logical explanation.

Now Dan wished Phil would have left him, instead of having to deal with whatever method was being used to hurt him.

But Dan just had to wait for him to return. Best not to dwell on the situation and hope for the best.

Groaning, the tired male stretched out, laying down and resting his pounding head in his hands. Disgusting blood was underneath his fingernails, and his hair was even more dirty.

Eventually Dan feel fast asleep, dreaming of Phil's black hair and his blue eyes that had saved him from the bad times, feeling more lonely then ever.

Haha yes, yes I did just quote the 2009 song.

Anyways... DAN AND PHIL ARE IN JAPAN AS I WRITE ASDFGHJKL if they don't come back with a bunch of new anime suggestions I'll be disappointed.

I'm hella exited to see the Japan vlog and see you next time I guess.


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