Babby steps

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Dan couldn't get up the stairs.

Getting out of the taxi was easy. Getting to the front door of the apartment was bit harder but

But the stairs was a different story. The minute he saw the only obstacle that stood in between him and his bed Dan burst into tears.

The ran down his cheeks in water falls and snot threatened to drip out of his nose if it had not been for his sleeve.

With a shocked, wide-eyed look Phil quickly wrapped his friend in a huge, hug, big extremely careful around his wounds.

"Shhh shh it's okay." He whisper. "W-what's wrong?" Dan whimpered and hid his head in Phil's shoulder. Shame ran through his veins, and the younger male couldn't believe he couldn't even managed to stumble up a few stairs, let along try.

"Dan." Phil said some what sternly, but still gently and pulled away from his friend, firm hangs still rested on his shoulders. "I need you too listen to me." The brown haired male nodded tiredly. "You really are okay. A few steps aren't going to k-kill you and b-before you know it you w-will be cuddling on the couch with m-me okay? You can sleep or we can watch some N-Netflix which ever you prefer."

Dan nodded, wiping his eyes on his sweater, sheepishly looking at his feet like a small child who was just scolded.

"G-Good." A quick kiss was pressed to Dan forehead. Phil couldn't help but notice his friend was burning up, to a dangerous level. "I'll help you."

"Th-thanks." The younger boy whispered, still giving the steps a nervous look.

Phil gently put his arm around Dan's waist, letting him lean into him. Then he lead him toward the stairs and up the first step.

The first few were easy, but after about 10 Dan's already poor lungs started to rebel and a rough cough racked his body causing him to shake violently. Phil wrapped his arms around him gently, trying to stop the shaking.

"You're d-doing great D-Dan." He whispered in his ear, pulling away and starting up the stairs again.

Three more steps, and five more coughs later another break was needed. Phil had to admit, after being in such a small area for so long, with barley any type of movement this was torture for even him. The bright red burns across his chest ached and sweat dripped down his forehead.

The bruises that littered his fair skin throbbed with each breath, but Phil knew he had to keep his head up for Dan's sake.

The brown haired male was currently doubled over, taking deep panting breaths. A loud, watery cough pushed past his lips and echoed through the small hallway.

"I-I can't Phil...." He whispered, still shivering despite the fact sweat ran down his forehead in buckets.

"You can, I believe in you." He whispered back, shuffling closer, feet dragging against the carpet creating static.

When Phil's fingers brushed against Dan a small amount of electricity ran through his shoulder and the latter jumped, cowering away from his friend.

"Dan!" Phil yelped, causing him to only cowering more. With his eyes squeezed shut against the panic, Dan stumbled up a few more steps, adrenaline helping him.

But when he realized it was only Phil who had rubbed against him, and the shock was extremely mild, he calmed down, breaths coming in gasps.

"S-sorry." Dan choked out, guilt replacing nerves at the look on Phil's face. His friends eyes were wide, and brimming with tears, his lip being chewed on nervously as he anxiously watched the boy above him.

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