Just the start of it

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"Kaiden I'm so sick of this little troubled act you've got going on! What happened to my innocent baby the one who loved to spend time with me the one who wanted to go everywhere with me. You've changed papi you started getting in trouble and distancing yourself from me.. it's breaking me mi amor"

"That innocent boy you speak so highly of left when dad left. Mami te amo and I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. I've tried I have I'm stuck"

"I understand papi... but I can't handle the drugs the drinking and the phone calls from the police station telling me I have to come get you."

"Mami what are you saying... you sending me off somewhere you gonna abandon me like papa? mami it's not my fault HE BROKE ME"

"Oh mi amor lo siento I know he did he broke me to... it's not bad I'm sending you to a place where troubled boys go."

"Por que mami..."

"El hijo I'm dying..."

" y-your what n-no... lo siento mami don't leave me"

"Oh el hijo you don't have to apologize mi amor ... it's not and never will be your fault I have cancer I've been dying for a while now.. I needed to find you somewhere safe."

"Why didn't you tell me Mami... why can't I just stay with tio"

"I didn't want you too worry... you have to go tomorrow papi I don't have long... your tio is not an option he won't put up with you like I have"

"Lo siento mami... forgive me te amo"

"Te amo el hijo"

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