Jackson's backstory

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Are you guys ready to find out if Jackson actually killed his parents or not? Before you read what do you think...

TW: abuse,cursing,homophobic slurs,rape

Everything was normal... school,friends,soccer, but when I was 16...yes, last year my backstory was quite quick, I came out as gay to my parents. At first they acted like they were fine with it, but I noticed the atmosphere change around the house

My dad started coming home drunk and my mom stopped being that lovey dovey over-caring mother that everyone hates. They ignored me and it hurt...one of those days I waited till my dad came home drunk as usual and asked them why they were ignoring me.

That was the worst mistake of my life because that was when the first hit came. My father slapped me full force across the face making me fall to the ground. My mother gasped but didn't do anything. She never hit me...but she never did anything about my dad's hit's either which was just as bad.

If I wouldn't have said anything everything would have been okay...I would have moved out at 18 and never seen them again. I had to quit the soccer team because of all the bruises and pain--I kept all my friends. I just started covering my body up more.

It hurt...It hurt that one word can change the way people think about you so fast. 16 years for 16 years they were these amazing perfect normal parents that all my friends loved. It sucks--

About 6 months away for my 17th birthday he started touching me...groping me. I was disgusted he took my innocence and painfully too. Throughout he kept yelling that it was my fault that he loved me...my fault I was a slut..my fault we both were fags.

It happened every night the rape and the abuse while my mother watched and did nothing...on my 17th birthday that all changed. My dad was out cold drunk on the couch and my mom was sleeping.

I turned on the oven and the stove... I poured gasoline all around the house including upstairs...I poured gasoline on their bodies. I grabbed my shit and stepped out the backdoor-- I took one...one simple stupid match and through it on the floor

I called the cops and watched my house burn down waiting patiently for the cops...some cops believed me and others didn't which is why I'm here and not in jail

So yes I killed my parents

...no regrets

Authors note: holy ********* , lmao comment what you think

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