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I've been getting close with all of the boys..and I hate it. I'm thinking about closing all of them off again..if I get too close and they learn about my past all they're gonna do is leave. It's gonna hurt me just as much as it did when he did..when he left after he broke and used me.

Their breaking down my walls and I have no control over it

I got a bad feelings about today..I just hope i'm wrong

TIME SKIP/// 2 hours








I was sitting in between Micheal and Jay while we all watched Justin and Jackson arguing with their funny ass nicknames. The fuck is a stickerDump...I started to smile but realized what I was doing. Stop getting attached was all I thought about, but it's harder than I thought.

Micheal was staring at me and definitely questioning why I stopped smiling. Shit--- "Baby wh-" before he could finish his sentence and of course he started it off with baby. The doorbell rang- saved by the bell literally.

I didn't get up..neither did the boys. Justin and Jackson still arguing over a damn box of Raisin Bran- It seemed like no one was getting up so I got up and walked toward the door, not before giving them a finger for being lazy idiotas.

I opened the door and my soul literally left my body... "Papaito?"

"KAIDEN WHO IS IT?" I didn't answer Jay, my body wouldn't move and my mouth dropped. I was a number of things scared,shocked,sad,pissed I haven't seen him in years.

"Hey papito cómo estás"

Words would not form I knew he was getting angry...his face showed it all but he went back to pretending when some of the boys walked up.

"Who's this?" Brandon asked me right next to my ear but I was still very much speechless.

"respóndeles ahora" (answer them now)

This is the first time I've been happy that Reese could speak spanish...but should I be?

"mis disculpas papaito, umm este es mi padre" (My apologies dad, this is my father)

When I'm around him I tend to only speak spanish... "I mean this is my father"

"You know you can't just show up here you have to call beforehand" my father raised a eyebrow at Reese looking at me with a look only I could understand. 'Oh i see you haven't told them your little secret or who I am...

Who exactly is he.... my apologies if you don't like this chapter. Feel free to recommend some things to happen. I'm not stuck but I'm kinda under pressure of Wattpad creators its better writing when it's not published and your just writing for yourself I'll try to continue to update tho.

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