pissed off

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TW: slight mention of self harm


I was in my room pissed of muttering random shit in spanish because they searched my room and took my weed. who the fuck gave them the right estupidos ninos(stupid boys). Now I'm anxious and can't smoke it off which is making me angry. My mom knew I had anger issues I just never showed her whenever I got mad I left the house and did unspeakable shit which ended me up in a prison cell for the night. I haven't gone down stairs i've been pacing around my room trying to calm myself down since those la putas wanted to take my shit.

someone knocked on my door "Que"(what) I nearly screamed. Micheal and Jay walked.

"QUE QUIEREN IDIOTAS" (what do you idiots want)

I yelled at them--- I knew they couldn't understand me based off their confused ass expressions, but I was too pissed off to give a fuck.

"dude is you good"

"yeah why are you pacing around like a duck who lost his momma"

they both laughed I knew they didn't know and I knew they weren't referring to my mother, but that sentence combined with my anger made me grab Micheal twist his arm and push him against the wall punching  a hole right next to his head.

Jay looked at me like i was crazy and I just glared at him. Micheal had this stupid smirk on his face trying to say I wouldn't be a challenge for him. which is stupid since i literally just crumbled the wall with my fist right next to his head.

the sound of my fist entering the wall everyone came to my room. Micheal Reese Justin and Ryan halfway knew why I was mad but they knew it shouldn't bother me this much.

I was so mad I didn't even notice my hand was still in the wall till ryan had walked up to me and grabbed it out the wall.

"your hand is broken" 

I shrugged

"bro does that not hurt" (justin)

"right are you okay? " (Jackson)

"ahhhh my hand...my hand" I faked to get them to shut up --- Jay made eye contact with me saying he knows and Ryan gasped looking at me

"jay..ryan do ya'll know something we don't" Gabriel said to them. Jay shrugged  and Ryan put his head down.I thought I was good until I heard reese's "ooohh"

me and jay glared at him

"callate la boca" (shut your mouth). 

why were you so mad anyway?" ryan asked quietly. I looked at him but I didn't want to answer

so I snatched my hand from his which made Gabriel cringe.. Than I walked out.

you guys know what that means?

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