lied again....

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We all sat comfortable on the couch well after we took a 30 minute break...we all had some problems needed to be handled. I stayed quiet not wanting to rush what they had to tell me. I could always just pretend im thinking bad thoughts to get someone to kiss me again.

"So umm..."

I looked towards Reese noticing that everyone else was either fidgeting around in their seat or keeping their eyes away from me....

"Okay what the fuck is going on I'm a very patient guy but not when everyone is literally avoiding eye contact with me"

"We just don't want you angry with us again" Jackson whispered

"The only way I would be angry with you again is if you lied to me again" I said

They stayed silent and only grew more nervous...and that's when I got angry. I didn't show it though I just got up and tried to walk away so I wouldn't hurt anyones feelings. Remember how I said the happiness was fighting the dark? Well it's losing right now...I know I haven't heard their reason but it's the 3rd time I've been lied to by the people I'm supposed to trust

Someone grabbed my arm but I yanked it from their grip suprisingly not trying to twist it.

"Kaiden please..." Micheal begged

I kept walking wait micheal? I turned around and stared at all of them waiting for them to continue. Wanting nothing more than to leave not only the room but the house.

"Can you sit down?" Jay asked me

I stayed standing...

"We need you to sit down" Reese basically demanded when I didn't sit down the first time. I mean I knew I could beat Reese in a fight...everyone in the house really but sheesh his scary when he uses that tone

I sat down and waited. I expected them to ease over it but they didn't. But they did say the most unexpected thing...

"Another person lives here..."

"W-what do you mean another person lives here?"

"We mean before you came here we had another person living here...and in the relationship"

"And you fucking kept this from me" I was really trying to keep my cool...but that? How could you keep something like that from another person who lives in the house.

"He's in the hospital recovering from multiple suicide attempts"

I didn't even fully comprehend what Justin said to me I was to in my own head to even care.

"His name is saire"

'Ire' is the only thing I heard still in my thoughts. I don't care...I don't know if I'm being selfish but can you blame me? This is the third time they've lied to me-

My hurt thoughts got cut off when a hand wrapped around my neck...

"Calm the fuck down Kaiden"

I shivered...Micheal

I tried to yank his hand of my neck because honestly...the pleasure I was feeling from his dominance was embarrassing. So I struggled against his hold

"Stop" ...i wasn't going to stop but him shoving his hand down my pants didn't help my road to being stubborn

It  also didn't help that everyone was still here...watching the whole scene. seeing my submissive side come out. It's probably shocking knowing that I've only ever shown dominance, but everyone has surprises right?

I tried very very hard to stop the noises from escaping my mouth but...He just tightened his hold

"Are you done Kaiden?"

...well shit



Authors note: New person??? New stooryyy??? Yes perdoname is ending, but SHEESH

Heyooooooo I felt as though I didn't add enough sexuallll tings in my chapters before it ended so I rewrote this one annddd THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER

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