I laughed? He laughed?

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I don’t really know what happened...I mean one second I’m nodding my head and the next I’m on the ground with 7 grown ass men on me. They were all saying things but I wasn’t really focusing on them.

More of that odd feeling of happiness swirling throughout my body. The one I’ve never really felt. Unless it was with my mom, but even than I was still drowning in darkness unable to show her how much I actually loved her.

I mean yeah there’s still a pit of darkness, but it’s currently locked up in a cage unreachable as the happiness slowly kills off the darkness. These 7 annoying boys...slowly saved me. I’m still choking and coughing up darkness, but soon enough I’ll be breathing normally.

“K fucking den” Reese

“Huh?” I answered

“Were you even listening to us”


Time skip

I mean it was pretty obvious what was going to happen. I was going to join there relationship, but still here we are in the living room tension thick as hell, because they have to tell me somethin. Maybe I was wrong maybe they don’t want me in their relationship maybe-

My thoughts got cut off when a pair of lips met my frowning ones. My eyes widened and focused on Jay’s. He moved away from me and said 

“Stop thinking bad things baby” 

I didn't even have time to react to the nickname when he leaned in again. He didn’t continue though he stopped right infront of my lips waiting for me to connect, so I did. I pushed my head forward and connected are lips.

He put one hand around my neck and the other on my waist pulling me closer. My hands were placed on his lap. I bit his lip asking for entry and he opened his mouth.

I pushed my tongue into his mouth and are tongues swirled around fighting for dominance...I won. I unlatched my lips from. I layed him down against the couch and crawled onto him reataching are lips. I may or may not have forgotten everyone was in the room until someone cleared their throat.

I moved away from Jay who was in a daze...hand down his pants while I stared at everyone face painted red with both lust and embarrasment. 

“Well that was quite a scene” Gabriel

It sounded kinda forced...and was grunted out. Than I noticed Ryan sitting on his lap moving around.  I laughed-

I-I laughed?

Everyone went from looks of lust to looks of awe. I covered my mouth with my hand and laughed again. I started laughing hard something I havent done in 11 years...it feels so abnormal. It’s not even that funny but I’m taking advantage of this situation. I held my stomach while tears streamed down my face from how hard I was laughing

I didn’t even realize eveyone was laughing with me until I calmed down. 

“S-so what did you need to tell me?” I asked out of breath 

That happy moment ended with a few words...the hell is this about.

Authors note: HEYYYY SEXY BITCHESSS!!! I’m in florida and let me tell you it’s hot as helll! This story only has 1-2 more chapters sooo get readyyyy. I have a suprise ending ya’ll gone love it I promise.

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