Fuck your sorry's...again?

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lmao im kidding you should of seen your face...wait I didn't

He left...he fucking left. I mean yeah I wanted him to leave but..judge me all you want he's still my dad and I still love him. I will always love him. I will always want him in my life to be the dad I honestly never had.

I wanted a goodbye...a I love you. Who am I kidding? He's never said those words to me before. I'm just some hopeless teen who wants love from a father that's never gonna give it to him.

I honestly don't know if I trust the fact that he's gone...I mean he's Richard fcking black. If he wants something he usually gets and he wants me...i think. No...he didn't, he was testing me. He was testing my patience, my anger, sadness, desire to kill, love for him.

Even if I walked up to him and told him I wanted to come back he wouldn't let me. THAT'S how he tells me he loves me. Deep down he does deep down he wants what is best for me.

That's why I know if I asked him to take me with him, heI would say no even if he wanted me with him. That love for me that he's trying so hard to push down secretly comes to the surface when he's around me.

Yes he never actually showed me love just that he cares. Yes I'm afraid of him I always will be. I'm powerful. I know I am but when it comes to him he can chew you up and spit you out.

I don't know how he got into what he got into all I know is that his father did the same to him. He told me the story before...generations of this. His father was still alive when he forced me into it all.

if he didn't Mayako Black my grandfather would have killed both of us with no mercy. Each and every one of us was forced into this. My dad actually liked it so he stayed, but he knew I didn't. He didn't show it but I'm just now realizing...

He left after Mayako died...and I spent all this time hating him for leaving me when he did it for me.

How...stupid of me

Time skip////

Ryan's POV

"Each and every one of you little fuckers is gonna talk to him!! His dad left there's no need for you to figure unnecessary shit out I'm sure he's done it himself" I yelled towards all the boys while Jackson was nodding and pointing along with me

"When the fuck did you become so bold and mean" ~ Jay

"Kaiden" me and jackson replied at the same time

They started laughing but I cut them off


They put their heads down, walked past me and ran past Jackson since he had a belt in his hand.

Time skip///

Kaiden's POV again...

It's now dinner time and Jackson forced me to sit at the table with all of them. D-don't ask me how that tiny mutha fucka is strong and scary when he yells. Plus he was threatening to whoop me with a belt. It's awkward...but I'm not as hurt as I was bef-

"Kaiden" ~ Reese

Well shit...forget what I was about to say

"Kaiden..." Justin

....do they really think their gonna get an answer

"Kaiden" Gabriel

"Kaaiidennn" jay


Of course Micheal said baby...it's like he doesn't know my real name. Do I like it? I used to. Will I admit that? Never

I looked down at my plate of food for one second and a belt landed infront of me making me jump

"que demonios!" (what the hell)

"Okay I don't know what the fuck you just said But I do know you yelled..." - jackson


"No quiero hablar con ellos" I replied (I don't want to talk to them)

"¿Olvidaste que podía hablar español?" (did you forget that I could speak spanish)

Okay yes...I totally did forget Reese could speak spanish..

"lo lamentamos" (we're sorry)

"I don't give a flying gazebo if you're sorry...this is the second time you've done this and you won't be so lucky with forgiving"

Do they really think they can just apologize? Again at that. I was stupid enough to forgive them the first time but fuck their sorry's...again

Authors note: sorry for my absence I've been really busy. Umm let me know if it's starting to feel rushed. ALSO yes I've been really busy for like the past week I would start updating more but spring break is coming up and I'm going to florida biitchhh. I can try and update their but I'm gon be a lil busy lmao

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