sneaking out

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it's been 3 days since that .. well whatever you want to call it. I still haven't developed a alliance or good relationship with anyone in the house.

Ryan has tried but I mean im a bitch so. I'm not comfortable with anyone in this house yet nor do I know any of the rules.

I'm positive a rule is we can't go out without telling someone but I still am and im going to use that for an excuse- I mean i've been couped up in this room for 3 days

I try to ignore everyone as much as possible there's no need to get close to anyone the only time i leave the room is for food.

yesterday everyone left the house to I don't know where. ryan tried to invite me but I "politley declined". Meaning I said fuck off and slammed the door in his face

which got me yelled at by reese for being a bitch. I slammed the door in his face to

I don't need to be buddy buddy with anyone I've been alone for most of my life besides my mother and the people i smoked with...

I trusted them but wouldn't call them my friends because when it comes to the cops you get one warning and they will not help if you get caught. One rule for us is we always save ourselves if we gotta snitch we gotta snitch. No bad feelings about it

I threw on my black skinny jeans with my plain black shirt and converse. I clipped a chain to my jeans and put on my chains/earrings-- sprayed on my cologne popped sum weed in my pocket snached my phone and crawled out the window

too say I was shocked was an understatemnt I stood their gaping like a fish for like 30 seconds when i seen Gabriel and Ryan kissing.

I knew somebody in this house had to be in a relationship, but i thought gabriel was straight shit i thought MORE than half of em would be straight but being in a house full of boys makes you wanna try things.

Anyway i hopped down making sure my chains wouldn't rattle. when I looked around and ran down the street while calling Miranda

"Hola" (me)


"me escape por una noche" ( I ran away for one night)

"te tomo bastante tiempo papi" (took you long enough)

"Lo se" ( I know)
"Donde estas" (where are you)

"damien and gabby casa" (house)

"estan todos ahi" ( is everyone there)


"Okay, en camino" (on my way)

*Ends call*


I walked all the way to damiens and gabby house which took a good 30 minutes.

when i finally got their the door opened before i could even knock and miranda jumped onto me while everyone laughed.


Jose grabbed her off me and she pouted.I know I said we weren't really friends but we still love each other its hard to explain.

we walked in this house and I got a wiff of weed and alcohol.

"oh How i've missed this" I said

"yeah idk how you survived this past week" (gabby)

"it's only been a week!?"

Damien laughed

"what do you thinks gonna happen when they found out you left" Miranda spoke up

"to be honest I think they won't care-- when i crawled out my window i seen two of the guys kissing... im hoping the whole house hold isn't like that" (me)

"why not you could probaly join" (jose)

" yeah that'd be hot especially if you like turned it into a show" (mike)

"mhm and invited us" ( damien)

"maybe we could hop in" (gabby)

" I'd defintley fuck you" (miranda)

"Blink twice if any of you need help".

I seriously wondered what the hell was wrong with them.

"I'm straight anyway" I mumbled mainly to myself but I knew they heard me since they laughed.

"y-you are NOT straight papi" miranda said

I flipped her off and said fuck you cuz she was wrong.

oopsie I don't think he was meant to see that shiznits lets just be glad they werent fucking on the roof--- omg what if they were lmao

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