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Reese POV

"Where the fuck is he" I said to Ryan since he was the only one that has actually talked to him.

"I-I d-don't know we don't talk a-as much as you think we do.. usually the conversation starts and ends with a door slamming in my face" he stuttered out.

        "reese lay off him-- I know your pissed but i'm sure he'll be back what's he in here for im sure he can't do anything to bad..." (Gabriel)

Kaiden POV

"get the FUCK off me damien"
"let me go now fucking puta"

              "papi baby calm down he didn't know" Miranda said

"I told yall my mami died WHY WOULD YOU BRING HER UP"

               "Kai stop crying he's sorry" gabby responded

"w-what I'm no-"

I touched my face and it was wet. I wiped my tears off and glared at mike. damien and jose were holding me back from setting him on fire because they knew I would

I already set his shoes phone and car keys on fire. we were all playing that game where you say "it's the ----- for me" ...

usually i don't take anything serious we have no limits we talk about everything... we all got one topic that's off limits and mine is my mami

we're high we're drunk half the time we don't know what we're saying or we just slurr over our words... I know he doesn't know what he just said

As soon as he said the words "it's the fact that your mom died for me" everyone looked at him shocked. I lunged at his face cussing him out in spanish while damien held me back

gabby was standing in front of mike. I got out of damien's grip grabbed the lighter from off the floor and tried to get his clothes. They wouldn't let me so i just burned all his shit while he screamed at me to stop.

I did... eventually. I snapped out of my rampage apologized, so did he. They all knew I didn't know what I was doing when pissed.

we're all crazy in our own way... we've all done things or have been through stuff that made us act out...that made us a disappointment...that made us criminals.

After he apologized again miranda and jose calmed me down. we decided to play a different game...

I ended up making out with gabby I was drunk asf this girl was like my little sister. SWEET HOME ALABAMA --- we all danced laughed and talked.. but i had to go back to that damn 'home' i guess.



we said bye and i walked 'home'. I purposefully walked slow so it took me an hour to get their.

i decided they've already noticed im gone what's the point of going through the window. I knocked on the door and waited

I stumbled into the house when the door opened still drunk as fuck. I made out the faces of ryan jackson reese justin gabriel and micheal standing right next to each other.

Reese walked up to me and grabbed my shirt and just started yelling

I couldn't hear him though I was in my own little wonderland. I was.. really really high---- I snapped out of it to a light smack on my face

"are you even listening to me"

"no" .

He pushed me away from him and since I was already swaying i fell to the ground pretty easily.

"you reek of alcohol" he said.

"duh I just got done drinking "

next thing you know Im getting yanked back "WEEEEEEEE" i said when i seen reese jump forward and fall on the spot I was just in.

I looked back and it was jay. "thankyouuuu" i said and winked at him.

"No problem" he said

I got bored of this whole fiasco so I stood up-- barely and said adios while running well swaying up the stairs.

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