blackout...another one?

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I blacked out again...I can tell because I didn't get fully triggered but enough to blankly walk somewhere with the desire to hurt.

Only bad guys

Only bad guys

Only bad guys

I had to continuously repeat those words to 'myself' knowing that I will hurt innocent people. After what felt like hours of walking in this dangerous state I found myself In a club. I kept walking and kept walking until my body stopped in front of the bathroom

I heard strangled whispers of the word help over the annoyingly loud music. The loud triggering sound did not help which pushed me back further into my head. I forgot where I was but slightly knew what I was doing.

There was a big beefy ugly man with his hands down a twinks pants who was silently crying. The sight didn't anger me but it was enough to pummel the man half to death. I started walking towards the man... than blacked out

Time skip///

I woke up surrounded by heat which is not as romantic as it sounds since I opened my eyes and it was all the boys who betrayed my trust. I layed there for a moment thinking about what I remembered..

"Shit" I mumbled out loud

I really hoped I didn't kill that dude...If I did it wouldn't be a problem knowing my dad would take care of it. But after a year and a half of not killing it would break my record. I untangled my legs from the horrible people and walked out of the room to find my dad.

I found him sitting on a stool in the kitchen with a big smirk like he was waiting for me. I internally rolled my eyes not in the mood to get shot by my father. He's done it before...

"So..." he started but I cut him off

"Don't fucking so me you triggered it! Muerto?" (dead)


"esta bien que pasó" (what happened)

"Nada" (nothing)

"a que te folle refieres nada" (what the fuck do you mean nothing)

"chico de lenguaje" (language boy)

At this point I was completely pissed off. Can he just leave me already? I'm so fucked up in the head one sentence from this bastard can have my going on a damn killing spree.

I'm mentally frustrated with everything...and I need a break

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