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My mom died a few days after that I told her I wanted to be with her until her last breath and her last I love you to myself. After that conversation I just cried in my room- I spent everyday of every second with my mom after she told me she was dying. After she died I was numb I had no one else. It's been two days - I'm scheduled to go to the home she told me about manana.

I'm currently in an alleyway with my old highSchool "friends". We're just smoking in silence well we were until Jose heard the cops siren and yelled for us to get off our asses. We all hopped up ready to run but the cops were standing at the end of the ally. I saw Miranda and Damien hopping over a random gate, mike and gabby crawled through this broken window to a building. I heard the cops yelling if we don't stop they'll shoot.

Me and Jose started spider manning up the wall to the roof. They started shooting but man their aims sucked ass. We made it to the roof and separated. "Adios" I said before hopping down the side of the building and running back to the house.

When I got to the house I went straight to my room and smoked another blunt since my session got cut early. Dumb fucking cops they.I haven't eaten since she died....

I've sulked enough I guess, I know it's only been two days but my papa always said no man should cry. Mami said he mentiras (lies) but it's stuck in my head now.

In the beginning of this book I was a terrible writer but I think it gets better after like 5 chapters and than it gets better after those

Hellooo fuckerrsssss I mostly update 1 or 2 stories everyday and if I don't than it's every other day... okay yuh that's all bye!

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