wrong question

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Even after what happened I'm still against making friends.. they didn't care it was an act it's always an act. I have gotten closer to reese michael justin and gabriel even though I may or may not be avoiding Reese. I mean he TRIED to KISS me! not acceptable--- Ryan asked me to eat breakfast with them this morning I tried slamming the door but he put his foot in the way. I stared at him like he was crazy-- who the hell is this imposter when did RYAN grow some balls. Where's my scary ass bunny wait what!-
yeah i'm going crazy.

He somehow bribed me to go downstairs with them and also somehow forced me to sit right beside Reese. yes Reese the one I've been avoiding how cliche of me.

(quick POV- RYAN)

we were all downstairs in the kitchen Gabriel and Justin are cooking breakfast and Jackson is talking to me about something. I don't know what because I keep zoning in and out about Kaiden.. We all woke up to his scream well not everyone Jay and Jackson somehow slept through that-- but me?I got so scared all I wanted to do was comfort him, but they told me to go back to sleep. I heard some muffled cries and even yelling but I knew I would get in trouble if I waked in so I just forced some sleep onto myself.
Before I fell asleep I heard his door open and micheal justin and gabriel walked looked skeptical. I'm guessing reese decided to stay I didn't hear yelling or crying anymore which made me kinda jealous.

Jackson slapped his fingers in my face making me jump in suprise everyone turned their attention towards me and I blushed like a mad man. "my apologies" I muttered and walked upstairs-- I was going to walk past Kaiden's door but I really felt as if he shouldn't be alone so I knocked and invited him to breakfast. He was about to slam the door on me AND I don't know where these new set of balls came from but I was loving it until he stared at me really intensely. aw shit now I was scared I didn't break contact though which I assumed shocked him even more.

I somehow got him to come down with me and made him sit next to Reese. Someone from a mile a way can tell he was avoiding Reese--- Micheal gabriel and Justin would laugh at him everytime Zaiden walked away from him, so i knew something happened. I may be quiet and all but Im smart so this little situation is gonna get fixed.

Back to Kaiden's POV

I was sitting next to Reese and everytime he turned towards me I would stick my tongue out while closing my eyes to act like I was dead... it's kinda stupid but it seemed to work because he would just sigh and go back to eating. I felt kinda bad but I mean I don't know what happened I don't know why I let him do that I mean IM clearly str- oh fuck it never mind.

Reese turned towards me again and tapped my shoulder I crossed my eyes stuck my tongue out and bent my hands in front of my chest like a dog. I heard laughing all across the table and I was trying so haardd not to laugh. I opened my eyes in shock when he grabbed my tongue- I tried to say his nae but it sounded like gibberish since he was holding my tongue. He finally let go.... and licked his fingers. I stared at him mouth dropped but when he stuck his fingers in my mouth I gasped slapped his fingers and yelled "REESE!"

Time skip///////

I was sitting on my bed minding my got damn buisness when Justin cracked my door open. "oh gee thanks way to knock i could've been watching porn or jerking off" I said obviously being sarcastic, but when he opened the door fully and walked in his cheeks were bright red and I had to hold back a snicker. I've been getting to comfortable with them lately and I haven't done anything bad lately-- that's about to change.

he walked up to the bed and sat down next to me a little to close for comfort. I didn't scoot away though and unintentionally moved impossible closer actually. he looked at me and asked me something that made me do something I would regret in the future---

"What was your nightmare about...or was it a memory?"


yeah what was his nightmare exactly about guys?----

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