In denial

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“Kaiden wake the fuck up man”

To be honest I was already up...I woke up 2 minutes ago but I wanted to listen to what they were saying. 

“He passed out at the wrong time”

I agree with you

“Do you think he knows what we were gonna say”

If I’m correct yeah...and I was gonna say it back

“I don’t know he was kinda out of it”

It was Justin and jackson talking

“Ayooo- damn he still knocked out” Gabriel


“What we talking about” Reese

“About how we were gonna tell kaiden we loved him”

“Yeah but his ass chose to pass out”

I think I stopped body went into mannequin challenge mode. I had a feeling but actually hearing it is scaring the shit out of me. I thought I was ready to say it back! Love? 




Love I? Yes yes I do. So why am I having a panic attack after hearing it. It’s not like I haven’t been loved by people before. My mom loved friends love me-- (the story kinda forgot about his friends just pretend they facetime and text most of the time) so why is it so different with them.

Is it because I personally have never loved anyone romantically...I mean I killed all my girlfriends. I waited until I heard 4 footsteps leave the kitchen until I turned around and pushed my body into the fridge.

My body unfroze and started breathing became uneven and thoughts were swirling

They don’t fucking love you like that

Your unlovable

Don’t believe them

Just kill yourelf

Who wants to date a murderer

It hurt so much because my thoughts are right. I couldn’t control the heartbreaking sobs that left my face was soaked with tears and the streams wouldn’t stop flowing. I guess I do love them….more than I should

Men don’t cry

Men don’t cry

Pull it together kaiden

Fucking crying cause they don’t love you?


Your a MURDERer they don’t want you

It’s all a lie to get you to open up

I didn’t even notice all the boys in the kitchen. I was out of it. I only noticed when I felt the familiar hands of reese on my cheek trying to wipe the flowing tears away. I remember his hands from the night he stayed with me...held me after I woke up screaming from my nightmare.

“Hey...what’s wrong kaiden, why are you crying”

“Y-y-you d-don’t l-l-l-love m-he…”


“It’s all just a lie to get me to trust you… y-you’ll n-never l-love m-he” I started to calm down

“Kaiden is that what your thoughts are telling you?” Jay spoke up

“Did you have a panic attack baby” Micheal

“Were you awake when we were talking?” Justin

“Do you love us?” Jackson

I nodded three times...and paused. It felt like everyone was holding their breath while I pushed away all the negative stuff and thought about good times


Hey baby" I jumped and turned around seeing no other than Micheal Justin and Jay sitting on my bed. Jay was holding some type of face mask, Justin was holding a bag of mcdonalds, and michael was scrolling through netflix before I walked in. 

"OOHH stop with the nickname you pendejo, dame un respiro ratas" -give me a break- I muttered before turning to walk out my room. "we will stop when you forgive us...maybe" Justin spoke up. I glared at him before opening the door and yelling "I forgive you idiotas just leave me alone dammit"

I heard laughter around the house and collage of okays before they got up and walked out my room. I snatched the bag of McDonald's out of Justin's hand and smirked when he scowled. "Bye babes," Michael winked and ran before my hand reached  his arm to twist it. "WHAT IS UP WITH YOU AND TWISTING ARMS" he yelled from down the hall "WHAT IS UP WITH YOU AND CALLING ME BABY" I replied back *silence

Another flashback








I was sitting in between Micheal and Jay while we all watched Justin and Jackson arguing with their funny ass nicknames. The fuck is a stickerDump...I started to smile 

Flashbacks over

I nodded again...

Author’s note: ewwww why is my story getting all lovey guys KNOW i had to throw a break down in their lmao I feel weird when I don’t write depressing shit but I’m working on it !

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