That's Just life...right? pt2

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If I thought I was scared of my dad before I was terrified now. My mom took me to the hospital after my dad literally dropped me on the porch and walked in the house. The doctors asked what happened and I said 'just some kids from school'

I told my mom what actually happened which resulted in her yelling at my dad which resulted in my dad slapping her which resulted in my crying and him slapping me for being 'weak'

"Boys don't cry"

And with that he walked out the room....I was still pretty much traumatized from my dad shooting that kid without a care in the world. I wondered how a kid could be so empty...cold, but I didn't expect to find out.

My dad left for 2 weeks giving me time to heal and for my mom to baby me. He came back saying he was taking me to the warehouse again and threw a tantrum which got me another slap. Tears came but before he swung his hand towards me my mom took the slap.

Before I could help her he threw me over his shoulder and into the car. Back at the warehouse the boy's body was gone but his dried up blood was very much still their. Now thinking about it there's a lot of dried up blood around this warehouse.

My dad handed me the 'gun' and once again told me to follow him. I did..this time without bumping into a depressed crazy teenager trying to beat me to my death. He led me to a big room with multiple people tied up in chairs spread out.

There were guys in here...torturing (one of the words my dad taught me) the dudes tied up. I wanted to cry again. I wanted to run and curl up into a ball in the corner. I wanted to die a fucking 8 year old wanted to die.

He walked me to a dirty man with braids in his head. He had scars all over his body and looked really really creepy. The man smiled at me and I stepped back--

"apuntar el arma hacia él kaiden" (point the gun towards him)

I did as I was told with extremely shaky hands

"Apretar el gatillo" (pull the trigger)

I looked up at him, eyes wide and watery remembering what happened to that boy when he did. I shook my head no only to get slapped.

"no me desobedezcas chico" (don't disobey me boy)

I nodded and aimed it at the man again

"Now Apretar el gatillo" (pull the trigger)

I did...and ended up shooting someone else. I screamed while my dad and the men laughed...confusing my little brain even more. Is this the world? Or is this his world

"persona equivocada hijo" (wrong person son)

..and that was the day an 8 year old boy killed 2 man just because his father said so

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