Gabriel's backstory

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I got back hand slapped before the door to my childhood home was slammed in my face. my mom who is extremely homophobic caught me fucking hugging a dude. Apparently my hand was ‘too close to his ass’ for me to be straight. I mean I’m not straight but what kind of reason is that

We got into this big argument which ended with me getting kicked out. My whole family are homophobic assholes. If there’s ever any knews that someone is gay they get excluded from everything. Their were a few gay relatives but most of em are dead or unconctactable. I basically had to live on the streets

I could’ve gotten a regular job at some fast food place, but honestly. I was so bored with my life it was the same shit every day. Popular in school, soccer practice, homophobic friends and parents forcing me into hiding. Nothing really exciting happened except when I got caught cheating on my boyfriend.

I am/was a horrible person. Stupid horny teen didn’t give a fuck about anyones feelings. I wanted to get into trouble, so instead of staying in the nice friendly criminal free rich neighborhood. I walked my stupid ass to the bad area.

On my first day out there I got into shady stuff, but I quickly realized I wasn’t into the drug selling shit. So I kept searching and eventually I walked down the wrong street and some twink grabbed my arm saying he was free tonight. I was confused until I looked around the block and noticed a lot of females and males dressed in slutty outfits smoking.

I was going to decline but he was pretty hot I mean...chocolate brown eyes, same color hair, smooth white skin, and definitely a bottom. I hesitantly nodded and he took me to his place which was some run down apartment, But I mean who am I to complain I live on the streets.

Next thing you know Im fucking this twink and got into this business. I started going to strip clubs taking male strippers home. I never abused anyone, but I did own a few people. I was gay but I had my fair share of females when I saved them from abusive pimps. I liked this life. I never thought about my old life. Everything was good. I had a lot of money from the males and females doing things for me…

But one day it just kinda went down hill. One of my females died...she got fucking beaten to death by her old pimp who was apparently after me for taking her. I somehow got blamed but my people stood up for me saying it wasn't true and I took care of them while the others didn't.

Some cops believed other’s didn't and I got put into an institution. I was closed off at first. I mean I missed what I did… I still do to this day, but i’ll never go back to that lifestyle.

Author’s note: back to the back story’s? ideas on how I should continue the story?..

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