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Where I'm from you have to be in a gang. That's the closest thing to protection we have, the cops don't do shit. If your not in a gang you die simple as that....

I was only 14 when I joined one called 'black spades' I joined the same one as my brother after I got beat to a pulp when news traveled that I was gangless. When your choosing you have to really choose...you could choose one of those creepy ass cults

You could choose one that tortures you could choose one that beats you as an entrance or you could choose one that protects. I chose a gang that represents protecting killing and drugs. The main goal is to be protected..

I was scared to be honest, if you grow up where I'm from you have to be fucking born with tough skin and I defintley didn't have tough skin. I had to work my ass off and because of that I became one of the tops dogs in my gang. I never killed a person I always declined when my boss said stupid shit like 'its time justin'

No it's time for me to get my ass out of this city, but nobody had enough money to get out of this place. We had the highest death and gang percentage it was horrible. I only had my older brother because well...both our parents died in a robbery

They locked us in a closet and told us not to come out...we heard gunshots. After a while we ran out to our parents bodies with head shots. An average person would call the shitty cops but us knowing they don't do shit but wear badges and walk around all day there was no point.

When we got older my brother killed the people who killed our parents, and I proudly watched without getting my hands dirty of course. The population started getting smaller and more people were dying or fleding from the stupid place I never called home.

Over the years they got better cops, better controls, the crime rates went down but still no kid went without having a gang. The rule still exists no matter how much protection came into the city. It's become a tradition...groups started getting caught up and sent off to places.

One stupid day I myself and a few other members got caught kidnapping another gang for our boss. They stole some merchandise and my boss was ready to get his hands dirty. We failed and well..I am where I am

I'm still in contact with my brother...my boss calls me but I decline because when you leave the city you leave the gangs. My boss just had a fetish for my 'innocence not to kill'...

Authors note: I might not do a backstory for everyone cause some characters story's are honestly just to boring..and I only like writing depressing shit lmao

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