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Reeses POV

Few days ago...

""So papito...I heard your mother died? Hmm..."

Mr.black asked Kaiden

"umm sí, por eso estoy aquí" (that's why I'm here)

"¿Por qué no viniste a vivir conmigo?" (why didn't you come live with me)

"desapareciste que ni siquiera era una opción" (you disappeared that wasn't even an option)

"¿Oh? Estás enojado conmigo" (are you mad at me)

they continued to converse like we weren't even their. I mean I didn't mind since I could understand..Just patiently waiting for mr.black to spill something juicy.

but the other boys look like they want to pull their hair from their scalp.

"no padre" (dad)

He definitely lied

"Are you hungry Mr.Black" Justin asked

"Oh please" he laughed "call me Richard"

Justin and Jay froze... they continuously looked between kaiden and his father while me and everyone else were very much confused.

Time skip///

Justin and Jay told us what they knew about Richard black and his son whose name they never knew.

"I feel so stupid how the fuck did we not think kaiden BLACK" Jay spoke up

"Why does this change anything?" Ryan said

It got quiet...why does this change something I mean half of us have done unspeakable things. I don't even know everyone's TRUE background story. At the same time from Justin and Jay's story Ruchard's son or...kaiden killed more than 50 people.

I or we...just don't know how to feel about that. Justin and Jay are shocked but they aren't afraid of him they were still going to talk to him but I stopped them

"Until we get more information" I said

Jackson and Ryan were obviously pissed and sad...

"You guys are breaking your promise" -jackson

"I never thought I would see the day were KAIDEN cried...yet he did because WE ignored him meaning he obviously had our trust" - Ryan

"And here you are fucking breaking it again..." Jackson shook his head

"He will never forgive you guys AGAIN" -Ryan

"You can still continue to do what you want me and Ryan are going to continue to talk to him because he NEEDS us his damn Father is here...do you not remember what he told us in the hospital?" Jackson scoffed

I was starting to feel hurt...and extremely guilty and I knew the others were to, but it had to be done we need to find out more about him...and get his dad out of his life without getting killed

Ryan and Jackson walked out obviously disappointed in us but we'll have to deal with 3 people we love..yes we love kaiden being mad at us until we deal with this.

"Hey Reese" Gabriel said

I looked up

"Didn't you understand their conversation..?"

"Ohh shit yes you did what were they saying?" - micheal

"Nothing interesting...Just talking about his mother and why kaiden didn't find him or whatever"

"Yeah his mom..." - Micheal

...Kaiden's gonna be pissed

Authors note: I don't know how I want this to end...y'all thinking lovey dovey ending you know a big orgy? lmao

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