Richard black?

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By now all the boys were standing around the door. My father didn't say anything and stepped into the house. I snapped out of that daze I was in noticing Micheal staring at me...searching for something.

I stopped his search by following my father. Jay led us into the kitchen and everyone sat down...well except me i'm too fidgety right now. It wasn't Just Micheal now Brandon and Grabriel were looking at me one with worry one with question.

I avoided all 3 gazes regretfully because my eyes landed on my father. He was already looking at me with a smirk on his face, and I was the only one who could tell what he was thinking behind that fake smirk.

"So papito...I heard your mother died? Hmm..."

I heard a few gasped and that's when I fucking realized I never told them about my mom...I never really told them anything about my past. Just a sentence about why I acted the way I acted around him.

"umm sí, por eso estoy aquí" (that's why I'm here)

My dad didn't know Reese could speak spanish meaning he thinks he has an advantage for whatever he has planned for me. I don't know if this is an advantage or disadvantage for me. I have no clue what words will come out of my fathers mouth.

"¿Por qué no viniste a vivir conmigo?" (why didn't you come live with me)

"desapareciste que ni siquiera era una opción" (you disappeared that wasn't even an option)

"¿Oh? Estás enojado conmigo" (are you mad at me)

He had the fakest frown on his face and it pissed me off that only I knew it was fake.

"no padre" (dad)

He could tell I was lying that smirk on his face showed it showed every fucking thing. I'm so dreading later---

I had forgotten all the boys were in the kitchen. When we stopped conversing they were looking between us both confused. Even Reese faked bastard

"Are you hungry Mr.Black"

"Oh please" he laughed "call me Richard"

Justin and Jay froze... they looked at me then my father then me again then my father again then father then their eyes went wide when they looked at each other...

My father of course was happy about this he didn't show it of course, he was showing amusement while I saw he was loving that they both knew and feared feared us

Authors note: heyoooo got some writers block...I actually have writers block on all my main story's and when that happens I work on new stories for fun but than those new stories become yeah--- I'm working on it

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